For real, even the work of opting out seems exhausting. Can I just stop being already.
For real, even the work of opting out seems exhausting. Can I just stop being already.
You needn’t be broke to want to end billionaires. Plenty of people clinging to their status as ‘middle-class’ want to end billionaires. They can be insulated AND correct.
Dang bro. They were impressive and so was she.
The popular idiom is often shortened, making it seem contrary in meaning, but the full phrase is: A Jack of all trades, and master of none, is oftentimes better than a master of one.
I am doubtful that my union will still exist by then, but I will do whatever I can to be able to not go to work if that strike happens. A general strike in the US could give the workers a fighting chance. Right now we seem disposable, we need to show them we are indispensable.
Such a banging album.
Yup, I also went through Catholic grade school and received my first F in anything in the third grade. It was because I had a grievance with the way my ancient nun of a teacher explained heaven. I kept asking her about how the other ideas of heaven (nirvana/valhalla/ whatever else I had heard of be age 8) couldn’t all be the same place just viewed through other languages/cultures. She ended up slapping me and giving me a failing grade in religion.
I have continued to fail at religion as a lifelong practice. She helped cement some contrarianism in me to the point where I actually read the whole bible by 6th grade so as to be better prepared for debates.
Oh dang. I forgot about those. Gonna have to track one down now.
Young, like under 26? Like never having had to supply their own health insurance maybe?
I have this eerie feeling that any large amount of legal documents is going to contain mostly stories of those with means fucking the rest of us.
Same same… I can’t be the only one with a bit of a crush on this masked hero. What we can see is sexy af, though I would never be able to describe him to a sketch artist.
Such deep beauty can be found in the void.
This almost reads like you think the republicans would do anything about gun violence. But you must know they don’t give a single shit about your children unless they can fuck them.
That’s really cool. Glad to know we stopped the spread… of something.
Hahaha, I have the same one. It generally sounds awful but IS fun to mess around with.
This is wrong, what you have written here is wrong.
I had never heard this term, ‘sod-turning’ before. It means ground-breaking, like at the start of construction.
Wow, that just makes me sad. I know they both did monstrous things to our society, but their tone in that debate is so far removed from our current xenophobic constant. Really just highlights how far the overton window has shifted, but doesn’t make me change my mind about the current options being Nightmarish v. Palatable v. Impossible.
I have been starting to think it might be our job as humans to destroy those machines. I certainly have a fair amount of rage against these machines.