• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Source does speak about it more. It’s a question of not only how much work is being done, but what’s the difference of wages for the same work:

    Despite contributing 90–91% of the total labour that goes into global production and the production of traded goods in 2021, including the majority of high-skilled labour, the global South received less than half (44%) of global income, and Southern workers received only 21% of global income in that year. In other words, while global production is overwhelmingly performed in the global South, the yields are disproportionately captured in the global North, indicating a disproportionate command of the global product.

    labour exchange:

    In 2021, the global North imported 906 billion hours of embodied labour from the South while exporting only 80 billion hours in return (a ratio of 11:1). On average across the period, the North imported 15x more labour from the South than it exported in return. In other words, the North net-appropriates large quantities of labour from the South.

    and labour’s share of GDP:

    We find that, globally, labour received, on average, 51.6% of world GDP during the 5-year period 2017–2021. In other words, only half of all value produced in the world economy (that is represented in prices and included in GDP accounts) is captured by workers in the form of wages… Southern workers’ share of Southern GDP is notably lower than the global average, at an average of 47.5% during the 2017–2021 period, while Northern workers’ share of Northern GDP is higher, at an average of 54.7% during the same period.

  • I want to learn more about the LGBT community and since I’m a cis white guy living in a post soviet country, who grew up in a conservative family, I know jack shit.

    So I want to ask this question, is it okay for minors to have an opportunity to make surgeries on themselves? Like, we have age gaps for a reason, is there something that I’m missing here? Should there not be any regulations regarding this?

    Like, minors are notoriously not great at making decisions or being reasonable, I wouldn’t trust myself doing something this big, that’s for sure.

  • Sorry if I confused any of you, should’ve clarified that I’m straight, now I feel kind of shitty because I probably tricked a lot of people into thinking otherwise. Not that only LGBTQ+ people can comment under the post, but still.

    Saying that, because of the mobilisation, male population is still under a shit ton of pressure in Ukraine, only multiplied if you’re queer, but I don’t think much will change under Russia’s rule, if there will be one. For liberals, Ukraine might appear as western rainbow utopia where LGBTQ+ people are widely accepted, but considering how many Nazis are here… I have my fair share of doubts about this perspective.

    People are so confused, in fact, that in my university I have a person, who is an open Bandera supporter, while being gay and friends with a Jewish girl. Pretty crazy mind fuck if I ever saw one.

    If we’re talking about the future of Ukraine, man, I just want all of this to end as fast as possible. I don’t care whether it be Russia or Ukraine, because at the end of the day, what’s the difference? (except that Russia is anti-west, sort of, and Ukraine is pro-west)

    I wish we took that deal at the start, many people would still be alive, economy and morale wouldn’t be so fucked and I probably could’ve returned home, now I’m not sure about that no more.

  • His response is interesting.

    It also leads to racial hatred and division and doesn’t actually address the issues. It’s like Nazis saying that black people commit so much crime because of biology. It’s false, leads needlessly to hate, and nothing gets done.

    He basically created a straw man because I rarely/ever see “woke” media that is genially racist towards white people. But then he’s trying to compare “white struggle” in the MEDIA to a real life struggle of black people, which is really fucked up. And what’s funny, he’s saying that “Nazis” say that, when people that are generally on the right are keen to be racist and make those claims, but he doesn’t want to associate with them, to not seem like he is battling one racism with the other, so he says that exclusively Nazis say this shit.