How will western Europe benefit by sending more arms?
you’re sunk after that loss to West Ham sorry
I’ll give you €7 for it
The RFA-defenders’ only thing is posting over and over again.
Kim Jong Un is a brutal dictator who starves the people of North Korea
Surely they should like him then??
Makes little sense to say he is bad because he “starves the people of North Korea”, and therefore throw your support behind the regime that starved 20% of North Koreans in the 1950s and more with ongoing sanctions.
Gen Z dubs need to be banned from talking about this stuff
It’s clear Judaism / Muslim conflicts have caused a lot more suffering to Muslims in Palestine for the last 100+ years. But the solution to this conflict will never be violence. Only diplomacy.
The mental model here is “violence and diplomacy are mutually exclusive”. In fact, they’re very closely connected, almost synonymous.
I’m arguing that such comments can generate hate and divide. You don’t have to agree with me on this, but I at least hope you agree that the solution is not hate, but diplomacy.
Agree here. I grew up in violence and lived through the peace process. It starts out violent, and you win concessions by showing strength, and then negotiate peace. That worked in Ireland in 1998 and almost worked in Palestine in 2000. Violence is the first part of the diplomacy.
When violence is acceptable the weak and marginalized are destroyed.
You’re saying that the weak should go to the negotiating table empty-handed, but that won’t solve anything for them. They need to stop being weak and start being strong, then diplomacy can start to happen.
The solution to weakness is strength. How can the weak become strong without the Armalite?
The Catholics took up arms in 1968 and came to the negotiating table in 1998. We won some concessions because we showed strength for 31 years, not “empathy”. Yasser Arafat understood this: he knew when to use violence and when to negotiate. If you defang yourself as Step One, you make diplomacy impossible.
I only wish the best for Gaza and Israel. And in my opinion the solution is empathy and diplomacy. It’s obviously terribly hard to negotiate and empathize with your abuser. But in my opinion, if this sentiment doesn’t start the conflict will only stop when the weaker side is destroyed. I hope we can respect each other. Bless you.
I admire your values, but you’re incorrectly equating “empathy and diplomacy”. Diplomacy is more a military matter; empathy has no place in realpolitik.
Can you string together 2 sentences without culture war tropes?
the levels of 白左 on some hexbears, really… 100% moralising 0% thinking
What’s your definition of ‘pollute’? I don’t really get how the verb ‘pollute’ can apply to non-biological planets; to me the word means something like ‘putting matter in places where is disrupts ecosystems’. I think the book about Gaia has a definition like this too.
He has Musk Derangement Syndrome 🤣🤣🤣
Too much time reading clickbait
Chicas to the front Ha ha go round
Winter has his charms as well.
Barack Obama in a tan suit: “Come out ye cowardly Fenians, come out and fight”
say the line, bart
100/100 cringe
The antidote is –
The person needs to understand that status quo bias is a thing. What is ‘extremism’? It’s basically just ‘that which differs from the status quo’. If you’re in a certain period of history and you say “gladiatorial games should be outlawed” or “it’s ok to touch dalits”, those are extreme views. We now live in a day and age where “it’s ok to kill 100,000 Palestinians using thirst, hunger, bombs, and disease” is a moderate, centrist view.
Then the idea that “communism killed 100 million people” or whatever, which is what makes communism seem extremist. A) you can chip away at the truth of it, because it’s not true, but more important is B) there is no alternative which hasn’t killed tens of millions of people. Economic systems kill to protect their existence. The British Empire killed 100 million in just one country (India) in just 40 years (1880 to 1920)
intimated that fascism is just like socialism, “they’re both bad extremes”
This is a really common view, if you did a survey
didn’t know that was still running
Low-tech methods