literally me but with tea
literally me but with tea
ikr!? Netflix has so much trash now days
Is capitalism about misleading advertisement?
Why don’t you just put the $1 in the bill if it is mandatory?
oh come on. Women can’t be so different that they don’t want a badass prosthetic arm.
hell I have those at my local mall and I don’t even live in Japan
Please don’t
I’m impressed by John’s drawing skill
There is always time (until there isn’t)
couldn’t get pass 1
I keep trying to play half-life and keep quitting everytime because of motion sickness
The moon would like a word
Wine would like a word
The article doesn’t say that now… Which means you’re probably a real time traveler. Please tell EA to go with Titanfall 3 instead before you come back.
identical unmarked doors
Bro I don’t think you are supposed to look at it to determine which way food goes
Now I really need to see it happens
Bold of you to assume that someone was touching my peepee before all those craziness
FETAB won’t be in his house or any publicly known location at all tho
Implying that we have ever stopped watching Youtube on our couch to begin with
Go on…