They are cheap and reliable. Mine I’ve been using one for 2-3 years now.
They are cheap and reliable. Mine I’ve been using one for 2-3 years now.
Agree. An engineer I know bounced off when he found out and a screen resolution issue on multiple monitors. My laptop has a 4k resolution, but my monitor is 1080p. The monitor will look zoomed in and I had to adjust scaling until it look fine on the monitor.
Yeah, it look weird. Guess that’s by it’s not as popular, but while seeing my baby develop, I saw that they developed control over thumb and index, then middle. So, it’s the quickest way to teach them to count up 3.
Thank you. X3 look like the victor for me for contents. It’s like Crusader King 2 that I don’t know why would I bother with CK3, because contents and features surpassed its successor.
Clever, at that point, I guess there better be a coding mode in a VR headset that I can have as many desktop/monitor as I want.
Just think of that hurt my neck. Imagine have to constantly look upward.
So, if I have a better machine. World you suggest X4 over X3?
Thank you. So they indirect trapped gas under layer of ice.
R5 5600G. Yeah, heard the same from some videos.
Just swapped my GPU for 6700xt and GPU utilization was capped at 70%. I can even turn on RT with minimal impact most of the time lol. The average fps is 60-70 with or without RT. RT tanked it down to 40 in some areas though.
If I enable super resolution on Adrenaline, then I can push GPU utilization to 100%, but fps remains unchanged.
Yes, from that bar scene.
So, canbed food or can come first? This is egg and chicken all over again lol
Nice one. lol
On a more serious note, they can find cement from smashed buildings. Destroying old rundown hotels to develop something else. Cool, some one wanna buy those debris and put them to some good use.
I still use it for dinner subs that moved over to lemmy, but couldn’t grow much. Like 40klore.
I do. Google’s Gboard even work well in multiple languages.
It took me a few days to get familiar until it’s clicked. It’s really convenience because you can easily type with 1 hand.
Think just pressing a few key and pick from the suggestion is equally fast, but I with swipe, I can type without looking at the screen.
Not the op, but one mechanic I dislike is mobs spawn after you rest at a bonfire. If I want to take quit the game for the night, but haven’t reach the next bonfire yet, then my choice is to forsake the progress or push forward for the next bonfire.
This mechanic serve it’s purpose in games with linear level, but not so when become an open world.
It’s poor PC optimization on release, though. But if we cut the optimization part out, Jedi Survivor is another good AAA, imo.
I adopt representing 3 with thumb, index, and middle finger (German?), Instead of the usual index, middle, ring. This is easier for teaching my little girl as her hands muscle aren’t fully developed yet and have a hard time controlling her ring finger.
Another comment presented this same fact, but the years is 30 instead 75. Heck, what’s the truth.
How do they measure the global climate back into the past?
But ultimately, they are just variations of game over screens or just transitions between acts. Actual endings are like 2 or 3.