Helping out with ARTEMIS!
Find more of my stuff [HERE].

I have created a few magazines to get settled here - if you want to contribute or take over as moderator, do let me know!

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • It honestly depends (imo) what you expect a Final Fantasy game to be, maybe you could elaborate?

    If you want an Old school rpg? Go for the pixel remasters on pc, or emulate. 1 and 2 are fairly open and unguided for example, but do establish some tropes and recurring themes.

    Once you hit 3D era games the gameplay also changes with it. Some are more action based, others are more traditional.

    The story however will always be a big part, with interesting takes on how to save a world. Some people find it convoluted however.

  • The primary thing with r/pics and its users is that they are creating/posting SFW quality content for free. They are an established platform with an audience, and the tradeoff is that the platform can be used for ads by its owner. This is all fair.

    The main outrage against the blackout is now coming from people who usually scroll, upvote, and consume content. Not content creators. They cannot fathom that their source of entertainment is inaccessible and just want people to stop ‘overreacting’ and get back to scrolling.

    What happens when the platform is no longer reliable, because the owner decided to upset the people making sure the quality remains as established? Sure, someone else will fill the gap, but with these actions I’m sure a lot content creators have flocked to other places. Which leaves the bots, and the lurkers. No content is worse than low quality content.

    I’m curious for what the future brings for Reddit. It feels like it will have a different trajectory compared to Twitter, where anything is content and quality doesn’t matter as much.