You spelled wrong wrong.
You spelled wrong wrong.
That’ definitely not hiw evolution works. Evolution is not something you “train”. If for example you wanted to make the human race more muscular in future generations sending them to the gym would NOT work, you would have to literally cull the weak yound and old to force a genetic adaptation to future offspring.
You are doing gods work sir!
Soooo … Corn ? 🌽🌽🌽
I dont think the math checks out buddy
When you read bussy instead of busy and you are captivated by this post cause you are both dyslexic and horny af.
I mean there is a benefit to convert someone to your sexuality (you fugg’em) but the very sentence I wrought there sounds insane and outlandish I don’t understand how you would go about that.
The abstract concept of god as pictured in Michelangelo’s Cappella Sistina IS NOT AMERICAN.
The fact that a stroke ridden governor for some months took putins/mao’s/erdoran’s spot
So either we found a stray tankie or all of the second picture is taken on Putin’s forehead.
It should make sense for Russian communist to make this compromise no? Destroying the Ukrainian state and having it assimilate to theirs should be harking back to the old USSR days.
If I understand you correctly you would be surprised and angry to hear we are the Judean Liberation front!!
The amount of fumbling people trying to interpret this meme is only akin to the followers of brian in life of brian! This tumblr’s shall be hailed both as a prophet of gender affirmation and as a lowly scum trying to dive in the depths of depravity that is the dark web. A genuine point of contention. I am truly amazed!
Came here to post this :)
I do not understand why leberals are supposed to be left wing. Given that free market concepts are far from left wing and the height of liberal ideas.