I mean if you were gonna retire this year anyway isn’t it just free money?
I mean if you were gonna retire this year anyway isn’t it just free money?
Also kinda funny is the NYT reaction to this in 1920 https://www.nytimes.com/1921/12/01/archives/lenin-expects-us-to-fight-japan-he-was-surprised-britain-and.html
“LENIN EXPECTS US TO FIGHT JAPAN” I’m not paying those bastards to read the rest of their garbage article, but it’s a pretty funny headline.
Yea I’ve spent a lot of time developing stuff in the gemini community back in 2021 and 2022. Most of the sites I like to read are at least semi-technical or art related, but yea it’s a nice cozy loose community of sorts I guess. Pretty much everyone is at least sorta leftist which is nice. Here’s a few random sites you might find interesting to browse:
or if you happen to be interested in tabletop rpgs
One of the ways these communities actually form or stay together at all is via “web rings” which literally just means a bunch of people join a list of similar sites and then on their site somewhere they link to the list and or to other sites on the list. For example: https://webring.xxiivv.com/#random
You can also find search engines and pages that attempt to categorize lots of these sites. Here’s two search engines:
Sites need to be manually submitted (and I think approved) to be added to the search index. For example a search of “plan9” will show articles written about the novel plan9 operating system which tend to be a lot more interesting and passionate than if you searched that on google or whatever. However, you can’t really use is to like figure out your local bank’s hours.
This is another interesting search engine, but it takes a different approach. Instead this one indexes most of the internet, including wikipedia and so forth, but highly prioritizes results that tend to be more “hand-made” rather than corporate.
Sums up my last job perfectly
Yea pretty much, Blackshirts and Reds has a good summary of this behaviour. Great book, really easy to read and kinda hard to put down.
Phở Chay
Yep this is the best one by a big margin
Had a vegan friendsgiving this year, huge upgrade
Reasonably okay (but maybe don’t get the absolute newest model), but not as good as the others which are all excellent. I mostly put them in the list because they’ve got excellent build quality, good keyboard, trackpad, etc, and a very nice screen. Basically if you want a macbook with linux (for cheaper than a macbook with linux https://asahilinux.org/) they’re pretty reasonable. They also support openbsd which is neat https://jcs.org/2021/08/20/matebook
The laptops I listed are in order of preference imo. Framework is definitely in a class of itself, but if they don’t ship to your country or something then getting an xps with linux pre-installed is great and then finally as a backup either a thinkpad or matebook.
Yea lol sorry I dunno why I forgot to add a link. Also if you’re using or planning on ever using linux I would highly recommend the new 2.8k display, it’ll be a nice 2x scaling factor which is quite handy is you run any older x11 programs (games, some proprietary software, etc).
Framework for sure, specifically the 13 with the new higher res screen. It’s a perfect 2x scale which is really nice.
The older screen is fine, but some older x11 programs will be scaled wrong.
There are other nice laptops of course: dell xps, thinkpad x1c, huawei matebooks, but imo the framework laptops are better in most regards and as a bonus you can upgrade the ram, cpu, and motherboard without needing to buy a new computer. You also can buy them without a windows license which usually makes them cheaper than the others for similar specs (unless you’re going for used of course).
I have one and it’s pretty great, more expensive than a used thinkpad, but cheaper than most other new laptops with similar specs. The 3:2 screen on the 13” is the killer feature for me. I couldn’t go back to a 16:9 laptop at this point. Also not needing to pay the windows tax on the diy version is cool.
Alpine. It’s pretty lovely, but usually when I’m setting something up for someone else it’s either Debian or Fedora.
That teams client is excellent too because it just shows that you’re always online lmao
Remove c/fakenews
First as tragedy then as farce
I wonder if it’s going to make installing the initial f-droid apk a huge pain though. Since normally you need to just download it in your browser and install it.
It’s not tooo bad if you have to edit them manually for some reason:
but using a gui tool like alacarte or menulibre might be easier