Sounds like they got away with it the first time, hardly surprising they’re doing more of the same if there are virtually no repercussions
Sounds like they got away with it the first time, hardly surprising they’re doing more of the same if there are virtually no repercussions
Waiter, this whataboutism is cold
Tmspk egssts tuh
COs are corporate politicians, media trained to only say things which are completely unrevealing and lacking of any substance.
This is by design so that sensitive information is centrally controlled, leaks are difficult, and sudden changes in direction cause the minimum amount of whiplash to ICs as possible.
I have the same reaction as you, but the system is working as intended. Better to just shut it out as you described and use the time to think about that issue you’re having on a personal project or what toy to buy for your cat’s birthday.
Which mail provider are you using?
I’ve found this to hold true in almost every hobby I have but particularly in technology, engineering and music playing/making: avoid hitching your wagon to one approach. It’s easy to get trapped under a pile of ‘musts’ when trying to do anything that you are skilled in, but that’s also the worst environment for innovation; and almost every innovation in your hobby of choice was borne from people pushing boundaries, not forcing themselves to fit within them.
I coded several of my early mobile app releases entirely in gedit. Good times.
I sometimes forget how good we have it now. I wrote those apps around 2012 and the DX for the platforms was basically non-existent. Virtually every platform had shit documentation, shit version management, a shit IDE with minimal refactoring features, a shitty debugging experience, and everything felt like it was being botched together by 3 guys in their spare time.
It’s incredible now that we have things like hot reloading. You can literally save a change and BAM it’s on the screen seconds later. On native platforms no less. Astounding.
You don’t. You just say you do so the more docile members of your population don’t notice when you start pushing untagged AI-generated propaganda
Star Trek: Wef Wef does sound odd. I think they made the right decision.
No, I want to build a religion. A limited edition.
I’m glad to hear this because I read the other article on the day my Epson decided to suddenly take umbrage with my third party cart after using it without issue for 2 years.
As there is no other viable alternative for a relatively-no-nonsense printer on the market than Brother’s offerings it sounds like I’m not completely out of options quite yet.
“This is not the Instagram post I had envisioned. Request denied.”
It’s also specifically a reference to the song of the same name: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Come_Out,_Ye_Black_and_Tans
Fun fact: it only reached #29 in Ireland but got to #1 in Scotland as part of a long held rivalry between the two countries over which one hates the English more.
Worst transvestigation lineup yet
This is an assault on the fine and hard working staff at EITEMONLONS
comfusod urge bongo
I bet Finland feels Oeufal
If you think this is bad, how about the fact that Americans only have one math!
The time has come to stop the greedy hoarding of maths by Europeans. Let’s open up our hearts and donate another math or two to these poor unfortunate souls.
I’ve been using patched rif is fun for months now and it works well. It’s useful for keeping in touch with some of the niche communities that are more active on Reddit than Lemmy.
This was peak peakness. The rest of history is a footnote.