I don’t believe you
I don’t believe you
It seems like game studios cannot possibly do right in this regard. They can either be like valve or rockstar where they are criticized for taking their time, although they almost always put out great original titles or they can be like cd project red where they push out the game as fast as they can and they are criticized for rushing it. There can be no middle ground as to not rush it and to make it a good game may mean delaying repeatedly until it’s in a releasable state, and only the studio can be given that decision.
That’s just a normal shortcut for mental math. Break your problem into simpler problems then combine, in this case if one wants to know 7+6 this is being turned from 7+7=14, an easy problem to remember, into (7-1)+7=14-1=13.
That doesn’t feel exactly right as it’s not exactly the way you think about it, but words can’t describe such inferences of thought other than to call them what they are which is not exactly how one’s thoughts reflect them.
Language is just specific expression. It evolves alongside the human brain as we become more and more socially complex, we needed to be able to express ourselves or information to each other which wasn’t easy with things like grunts and pointing. Things like facial expressions are some of the earliest examples of pre spoken language, with which one could express emotion, as it is not only the foundation of humanity’s perception, but also effective at giving others enough info to infer where to look for something. This could be why it is so innate a language within the human mind that even people across different cultures can comprehend. But even that isn’t enough to express everything and so eventually spoken then written language evolved, allowing us to be specific with each other and allowed us to evolve into societal beings rather than pack animals. Each type of language has its own quirks from its evolution, and will continue to evolve. Some languages allow specificity in ways incomprehensible to those who don’t understand the language itself, gendered languages being one such example. A gendered language allows one to apply societal constructs and in a way stereotypes to objects in a way that allows metaphor to imply information. Another more mundane example of this same type of implicit metaphor that may be better understood by one who doesn’t speak such a language is tone. This is implied just as facial expression implied what spoken language would one day become. It will be a wonder to see where language evolves in the future, especially as technology augments our ability to transfer and encode information, as all any of that really is is just information.
EDIT: Just fyi I did make all this up and have no qualifications to say any of this, but it seems right and accurate so please someone prove me wrong, otherwise I will assume my deductions are correct.
Pixel 7 pro. Was gonna get the 7a but they are giving me 200 more dollars in my trade in if I go for the pro, making it cheater then the a.
Beeper is looking pretty awesome. It (and things like BlueBubbles) are allowing me to switch to android, and I love it. Can’t wait for my new phone to arrive!
This seems interesting, but the poster and sub are hexbear. Anyone know if this is a good watch?
Yeah, they support taxes. They just only support other people/organizations/companies paying them, not Microsoft.
If it consists of more than one nation it is international, so they ain’t wrong. That doesn’t quite make it right though.
Where can I find these “filters” that do this? All I can find are ones that give me massive google eyes and a top hat!
I’m on iOS using mlem, which has so far been the best app I’ve used for it. It used to be somewhat unpolished and lacking, but in the latest update most of the bugs have been ironed out and the image viewer is in existence. Lemma also looks really promising although it’s still in early early development. For mastodon I use ice cubes although for my uses of mastodon I might just download an rss reader.
I disagree. The only reason we don’t need the /s here is because this is largely a community of like-minded individuals so we understand when sarcasm etc is in use as it doesn’t align with what we can assume they would believe. This is a dangerous thing. Without anyone to provide new opinions we slowly become more and more comfortable with our more extreme opinions and even more extreme ones become palatable. Additionally no one sees flaws in arguments as everyone just agrees and doesn’t pick at it to find issues. This creates not only an extremist community surrounding Lemmy, but also creates a social stigma surrounding it as human biases promote the extremes in our memory (same principle that many news sites use with outlandish articles). This means we will grow as a platform in an unhealthy way, only taking in new people like us and rejecting anyone who disagrees (even though disagreement is important) as well as slowly drifting towards the extreme ourselves (confirmation bias plays a big role here). This is the same reason big communities of liberals and conservatives have each respectively grown so much farther apart since the rise of the internet allowed them to convene with larger groups of likeminded individuals than in any other period of time in the United States. This sentiment in your post here is a symptom of a larger problem with the fediverse as a whole, even if it seems nice right now. I don’t know what can be done to remedy it.
Red hat owns the trademarks as fedora isn’t a real legal entity. Red hat employees also hold most spots in the council, and financially support the project. The council spots are voted upon so they don’t have to be red hatters that’s just who we chose.
While yes red hat may try something like that, they also maintain lots of packages and develop technologies that fedora uses, so fedora is still benefiting from said arrangement. It is a trade off here, but I would argue it’s more than worth it as it’s better to be free qa and get decent software than not be anybody’s qa but either not have or have poor quality software.
Fedora is a community distro. Red hat just contributes a lot.
Their reasoning is sound imo and shows that they are actually interested in maintaining privacy, as they are preemptively cancelling this as it only opens the door. It doesn’t change that they need to find a way to replace it that doesn’t do this though, probably exclusively on-device.