It should be America, United States
It should be America, United States
Today i learb chroot is a word
Well lots of offoces used Microsoft for email and out sode i workd email is password reset, receipts, and new account confirmation. When the last i sent and email that wasn’t work or those things? About 8 years ago.
But yes tryings to explain instance and federation to a regular user is only going to confuse them. We need mastodon to be a sample as login and use. If we bring up a single tecnical term we lose people.
Well i am on both. A lack of rpg and splatoon keeps me mostly on Reddit
Well the part about the neighbors not how tariffs work is believable. I have lost count of how many people just think china had to send us money directly to us.
Ahh the birth of coilette, bend her.
All men want skanks
Ahh watergate
Well less stupid. If he said that to girls then we would assume he knows what a concubine is.
Considering that most mammals can carry rabbies ending the disease is impossible.
Yes because… Look behind you a distraction
Not asking for a TikTok exemption
Yes i know how bad rabbies is. I was pointing out you can put the animals in isolation and see if they show signs on rabbies
You can put the animals in isolation
They put the animals in isolation and re turn them when they are cleared. I know they can that’s what happened to my neighbor’s dog after it bit someone.
Maybe they are trying to expaind theor Japanese market
For me 0 F would be civilization ending cold that i have been only seen once.
No it should be zeroa and all elections publicly funded
So feediverse tictok?
A thoughtful and lucid answet.
you will be destroyed