They are liable to vent (where they overheat and off-gas dangerously) and/or explode. Stay away from counterfeits like your life depends on it, because it very well may.
They are liable to vent (where they overheat and off-gas dangerously) and/or explode. Stay away from counterfeits like your life depends on it, because it very well may.
My T01 arrives tomorrow. Will fill you all in!
I also just ordered a T01, oops! Thanks for the tip.
Way better name 😅
Gutted that I missed this launch. Gorgeous little thing.
That’s a real shame about the exposed port. Nice-looking lights though.
I’m definitely not a fan of starting on high, but dual-fuel is always awesome.
Yes, one of those might have to be on my next Convoy order…
I don’t know much about these, tell us a little about them?
My most used, to my surprise, is my Nitecore EDC27. I just love the form factor.
Runner up is an FC11, naturally.
I know I’m like, super late to this party, buuuut I have half a dozen of these.
The 519a is gorgeous, no complaints. Not as bright of course, but that’s always the tradeoff.
I haven’t tried removing the magnet, but they sell a non-magnetic version of the tailcap for cheap!
I got myself a big Sofirn dive light for the bonk factor 😄
And by “sex” they mean rape by coercion.
It might be that you have a mistaken view of cave dwelling.
Most such settlements only used relatively shallow rock-face caves, which eliminates the majority of your listed risks.
Without reliable light sources, you’ll appreciate that people weren’t delving kilometers deep into the ground. Caves were simply a way to protect from the elements and to provide a choke point to better defend against wild creatures.
Wars are won (and lost) as a result of supply chain logistics.
One of the most important elements of the war machine is a well-fed and well-equipped soldier. As such, most armies have dedicated logistics divisions to ensure supplies, weapons, and machinery get to where they are needed on time.
Consequently, supply chain interdiction or disruption is a powerful weapon of war. To interfere with your enemy’s logistical operations is to reduce the overall effectiveness of their combatants and thus their strategy.
Modern-day Russia was not prepared for this war to last as long as it has, their commanding officers have little regard for their soldiers, and they’ve historically had poor logistics to begin with.
This makes it easy to disrupt their supply chains, if they were even set up in the first place. Add this to tribalist infighting and a general lack of cohesion and you end up with people going hungry.
Can’t believe that’s the pricing these days. Good grief, the poor tax is real…
Last panel 🕷️
Worth £10.98 lmao how arbitrary
Yeah, this is depressing in so many ways. Poor kids.
You are utterly delusional.