Wait until you find out about Home Depot allowing rapes of underaged girls. Montana is literally the pedo state.
Crippled by the pedophile protecting conservative corporation The Home Depot
Wait until you find out about Home Depot allowing rapes of underaged girls. Montana is literally the pedo state.
Mmm dark web. Good times.
I just want one that’s bad enough to wipe out at least half of us. Nature says we need to go.
Politics in America is just another for profit corporation boot licking career.
We have no rights until we take it from their bleeding corpses.
I want to try mushrooms. If anyone in Montana can help me with that let me know.
They why do politicians get to decide this for billions.
K2 is a real mountain. Not an Everest shuffle.
People like this guy and his political masters don’t need just exposure. They need and I qoute their party " to be roughed up a bit".
Keep them out of Home Depot conservative rapist corporation.
Vote blue then.
Your GOP overlords don’t and if you voted for them, then yeah. You don’t.
EU citizenship is a dream.
Pedophiles stick together.
Ban all mainstream social media
Agree, yet disagree. That article on Suits that shows what the writers got paid vs the views vs the amount of money executives get, shows that all we need to do is get the money into the hand of the deserving people instead of the billionaire stockholders.
Don’t I know it. Socialism is the future.
Right next to you. They want to FOFA then no more tears at the wake, I mean after party.
Big corporate hates attention about their practices. I was retaliated against and then crippled for raising concerns about my workplace. Corporate protected the store manager and the HR manager over the rape of an underaged cashier. Conservative corporations like The Home Depot need to be boycotted and shut down.
Sure trump bootlicker.