I am definitely going to check out Project AHO and Clockwork (especially since it seems like it will have to do with Clockwork City which I really wanted to see more of in Morrowind and I haven’t had the money to buy ESO).
I am definitely going to check out Project AHO and Clockwork (especially since it seems like it will have to do with Clockwork City which I really wanted to see more of in Morrowind and I haven’t had the money to buy ESO).
That seems great. I have RDR2 on my wishlist but unfortunately it would require more storage space than my entire laptop has at the moment.
I have yet to play a game where NPCs have the same speed as the player, have you? I get it on the game design level, since NPCs need to move at a speed that their animations look natural at but player characters need to move fast enough to not feel frustrating to the character.
The reddit thread I read about this said that the dosages were so high they would give people who used them severe seratonin syndrome, risking death. That even without the risk of death, the ingredients used in these boost the body’s natural hormone production… so for most trans women it would raise testosterone levels.
Oh dear. Are Fallout 1 & 2 like New Vegas in their gambling where you just need a high luck skill and the money will roll in? I’ve played the both of them once but I never did any gambling.
You have also inspired me: next time I go back to Fallout 2 (never completed it because I made it close to the endgame with a shitty build and it got too hard for me) I will do a low int run for a little while since I heard there is some unique dialogue with other dumb characters.
I would like to hear how your low int build goes! I have heard that it will lock you out of most quests.
I like to play the NYT mini crossword every day. I like asking other people for advice on it when I get stuck so it’s both a fun daily game and a good way to do a bit of socializing.
I have recently been very much into follower mods! My current favorite is Xelzaz, an Argonian member of House Telvanni. I like the commentary he provides, as well as the utility. He will make you potions and meals if you ask for them, as well as mixed drinks while in a tavern. He has a quest related to crimson nirnroot that I enjoyed, and he has a short quest to get him a guar to ride! I have heard that he has a lot of interactions with Neloth on Solsthiem, but I haven’t gotten around to the Dragonborn DLC in this playthrough yet since I wanted to defeat Alduin first and complete the civil war questline for once before that.
I also have a lot of character customization mods: RaceMenu, Total Character Makeover, KS Hairdos, Improved Eyes, Apachii Divine Elegance, Wolfpaint, and Simple Belly Paints. I don’t use any body changing mods though because I play on a laptop and when I tried using HIMBO it wrecked my preformance to the point it was unplayable.