Hey there! I’m IceTree and I’m interested in art, science, philosophy, manga, and music.
Thank you :D
Oof, that’s some smooth fucking animation! Next time you might wanna scale it to something like 1920, so it scales up on many screens :)
Man I knew he reminded me of someone!
The text was rushed, also it’s way cooler this way :)
Woah, magical!
Thank you! I forgot to mention that I use wal (aren’t we all?) to generate color schemes from pictures, and the color scheme is bloodmoon on lospec. if anyone is interested.
Ah yes experimentation is quite fun. I have been doing it for the past 3 days.
These remind me a lot of Conway’s game of life.
Oh yeah, you reminded me of those. I remember Septembit by Saultoons. The rose, and the swallow shattered my comfort zone. Sadly I didn’t finish it, but it was pretty fun.
Username check out.
Must be the heavy outlines.
Polished it more, and used the BOI palette. Also I don’t know if it works on other browsers, but opening this in a new tab should get rid of the anti-aliasing.
That looks sick!
Oh, now I’m listening to the album. That track is beautifully nuts!
Cards Against America
EDIT: Realized I sounded like a nutjob
I realized how little I know about ducks.
Just nod or shake you head, and we’ll do the rest
This is the way. Not to mention being able to sort them into categories.
Isn’t that a good thing?