Where should I start with Immanuel Wallerstein and Arghiri Emmanuel?
It appears that Sakai’s answer is that land hunger was so severe that, yes, petty bourgeois individuals would be willing to endure it to have something like the standard of living they had been used to.
the sons and daughters of the middle class, with experience at agriculture and craft skills, were the ones who thought they had a practical chance in Amerika… What lured Europeans to leave their homes and cross the Atlantic was the chance to share in conquering Indian land.
Here is a quote he takes from ““Social Origins of Some Early Americans”. In SMITH, ed., 17th Century America. N.Y., 1972.”
Land hunger was rife among all classes. Wealthy clothiers, drapers, and merchants who had done well and wished to set themselves up in land were avidly watching the market, ready to pay almost any price for what was offered. Even prosperous yeomen often could not get the land they desired for their younger sons…It is commonplace to say that land was the greatest inducement the New World had to offer; but it is difficult to overestimate its psychological importance to people in whose minds land had always been identified with security, success and the good things of life.
四叶妹妹 is yotsuba&!,btw
Thanks for your viewpoint and I think I’ll do that and keep working towards my first dev co-op etc. Nice to have the flexibility to transition down the line.
Thanks for your input. Web dev seems great and I’ve considered trying to deploy some kind of useful REST API, like for computing directions from one place to another on campus, probably with FastAPI in Python. Doing something with Docker is also on my todo-list…
I just started Forces of Production the other day. It’s interesting.
The other day I started reading a Chinese scifi novel 猫城记 Cat City/Cat Country. I thought about trying to translate it even though it’s above my reading level by just looking up all the words as I go. But I’m below that threshold of 95% understanding or whatever and have to look up many phrases on each page.
Behind the Urals is great. John Scott was a fellow traveller or party member in New York as I recall. Immigrated to the USSR to work in Magnitogorsk.
this board is a godsend.
I’m starting to think I should make this my whole undergrad research project. I could develop a tiny part of it for this DB course. Thanks for your response, lots of helpful stuff here and will come back to it and others’ comments…
Haven’t done any linear algebra or dug into matrices yet… do you think light study of the basics on KhanAcademy would be enough? I’ve done calc 1 and 2 and discrete math.
I read it years ago, and I should definitely dig in again and review. Big part of why I want to do everything in labour time as much as possible. However I think he suggests the use of a neural network at one point which is a little over my head for now. I am thinking simpler like the pen and paper material balance planning the Gosplan cdes used to do…
I’m asking because I wondered if dependence on colonial wealth could inform an argument that capitalism is historically contingent, that it was possible for there not to be capitalism
There is no doubt that the unpaid internship is exploitative, moreso than the already discouraging/tiring path to a first job programming. But I also think you were right to accept it as a step towards launching a career. It’s something you will never have to do a second time… onward and upward
Great magazine, loved the articles about modern sailing ships and sewage handling by aquaculture.
I believe as individuals and society we are over reliant on unnecessarily advanced technology and should seek alternatives to distance ourselves from this.
I feel about the same way, to the point I don’t even really want print media to die. We’re still looking at something right in front of us, but at least it isn’t a screen. I’ve been framing it mentally as part of an intentional relationship I want to have with technology, and I think generally others should consider this too. Adopt technology selectively and critically, don’t just let them foist new consumer durables on you, LOL.
40 minutes is completely workable!
Think it’d be pretty easy to tell a kid you can’t, or just not inform them that there is an opt-out process in the first place, but I could get it if some people object to the lying by omission
Appreciate how you handled this. Recently came out that a student in my university department is a pedophile and possessed CSAM. We were all blindsided but came to a simple conclusion: we won’t attempt any vigilante violence but that person is never welcome on campus again, enrolled or not, and we can enforce that ourselves if it ever comes to it. But this person has not been seen since the local news article dropped.