Cats in zero g are fun too. Somewhere on YouTube. I can’t dig for it now.
Cats in zero g are fun too. Somewhere on YouTube. I can’t dig for it now.
As opposed to normal?
All earthicans are equal. Some earthicans are.more equal than others…
Are you waiting for the hot cylons or the space battles?
You are of course correct. Especially as stayistics go. Everone has their own experiences and perceptions though. I should have expanded more, but I’m fuck tired from working night shifts. As I mentioned though, your mileage.may vary, and those affected would better be able to explain. I’m lucky in that it has not directly effected me, but then durban is pretty chill. Except when it’s not.
No, not the same thing More of a case of when white (usually) farmers are attacked the violence and cruelty is excessive compared to what you would expect from normal robberies. Technically its not political, but there is a lot of hate there. Think more along the lines of how racist white Americans sometimes treat those of darker skin tones. As with anything, your mileage may vary depending on where you are in the country. Individual circumstances vary. Those effected may be biased, but they are in a better position to describe their situation, assuming they survived. *edit: I should also mention that yes, it is mostly blown out of proportion. Media will do as media does. And of course there will always be those pushing agendas. South Africa does have a crime rate and perceptions are often skewed depending on upbringing ging and circumstances. Sorry I did not.make this clearer initially. Read surfer dudes reply, and also check context against online resources.
The saying “like watching a train wreck in slow motion” no longer seems to apply. Nothing slow about their actions recently.
I agree, someone competent can do it risk free. One possibility, depending on how macguyer or prepared the character needs to be is to use pogo pins. Perhaps magnetically held in place.
In politics, facts rarely matter.
And so it begins…
Incitement is a real thing people should be concerned about. Anyway, I don’t think there is any shortage in this world on known, effective, or creative methods to off people. Not really wanting to encourage peeps to be violent, but morbid curiosity is near universal these days.
I was not meaning tracking the wealthy, or ceos or anything like that. I was.meaning more like a keeping of stats and info about those that get liuigied.
There should be a louigi tracker. I feel like somebody should have have something we can all watch like people tracked covid back in the day. It just seems the odds of people getting louigi’d is just going to keep rising so it may as well get tracked.
Somebody read or watched 1984 and thought that’s a wonderful idea. Or is he just trying to cozy up to the Chinese government? Or the drugs long term effects are kicking in? Who knows.
Not my area, but I think you need to go back much further than the dinosaurs for a common ancestor. I’m sure someone with actual knowledge will educate us in the comments.
By adoption maybe… how adventurous was somebody’s grannysaurus and their special friend?
Times have changed…
On the up side, that is likely to be a short time.
Human rights only apply to those that they deem human.
Teeth work too…