From personal experience, a fresh cup of coffee is what gets me out of bed when I don’t have other obligations. I use a percolator, and grind fresh coffee each use (i.e. not prepping it the night before). This helps me keep a routine between the weekdays and weekends.
I switched to tea for a bit after a rough bout of heartburn, worked about the same for me keeping a routine. I much prefer my doom scrolling when I can mimic the Kermit the frog meme with a piping hot morning beverage.
Also, you may be my friend based on the bathroom necessity. If not, you two should form a morning intestinal distress support group.
You would have known from my username haha. Definitely give tea a try, and pick up some interesting varieties, a nice mug, and a fun electronic kettle to simplify / fancify it into a fun part of your morning!