I think FOM have got themselves in a difficult position because they wanted a night race for the spectacle (so much more important than the racing). But doing it on the western side of America makes it tricky time-wise for their biggest audience. The ultra-late racing is probably a compromise that’ll please no one.
Exactly! Perez is probably done as a RBR driver, but shit like this is hardly going to help matters.
That’s very much the old school macho mindset that was prevalent in F1 when Brundle was driving.
I don’t think many of the current drivers buy into that.
I can’t imagine anything more likely to encourage a driver than being publicly bad-mouthed by Marko.
I mean, it’s never failed to work before has it?
Norris would be a significant upgrade but he’s not currently available and I can’t see McLaren letting him go without a fight.
Never was a great fan of Murray Walker TBH. The combo of Murray and James Hunt was classic though. Murray would spout a load of bollocks and James, sounding half-pissed (which he probably was), would put him right.
They’re half a second behind one of the Red Bulls. The other one seems to have given up. If McLaren can regularly put two drivers on the podium then RBR have a problem next year.
Yes, I mostly buy from Qobuz and Bandcamp these days, and they’ve been solid so far. But I don’t trust keeping my files in the cloud (aka some else’s server), I buy DRM-free, keep copies locally, and keep them backed up.
Exactly, it’s not news. If you buy DRM-encoded media you don’t own it. You are just leasing it on terms decided by the seller, which are subject to change at their whim.
Buy DRM-free or physical media and make your own copy.
Yes, when I have used Edge it’s been absolutely fine. Probably better than Chrome. I’d likely be quite happy to use it most of the time if it wasn’t for the fact that Microsoft are so intent on forcing me to do so.
I mostly use Vivaldi now which I think is by far the best of the Chromium-based browsers.
RBR have a history of failing drivers, Perez is only the latest. Just look a how Albon has developed as a driver since he was kicked out and replaced by Perez.
They have a real problem on their hands next year as the performance gap between the top teams closes. If things stay as they are right now, all of their top three rivals (Mercedes, Ferrari, McLaren) have a really solid driver line-up.