Interesting. Is there an article or guide on how to do this? I imagine it’ll be for Steam Deck?
Interesting. Is there an article or guide on how to do this? I imagine it’ll be for Steam Deck?
They have these everywhere when I went China and Vietnam too.
They look a little bit like delivery drivers.
I’m a Williams fan but I respect the hell out of Red Bull and Max. Max simply does not have an off day and Red Bull do what they can to give him the best chance.
Would I love to see someone challenge Max? Of course, but that’s not the reality we live in.
I’ve been elated a few times in life but never felt the need to grab a man or woman and kiss on the lips.
Such a weak excuse.
Yeah I get what they mean when they say it’s a rollercoaster.
So happy to see Sergeant make it into Q3, even with the crash. It’ll be good for his confidence.
This weekend has been awesome so far and I’m not just saying that because I’m a Williams fan.
This aged well.
Yeah man, I think it was the right choice to go into the wall. Hope he’s back driving tomorrow.
I’m pretty happy to see that Williams seem like they could have a recent weekend.
I used Arch for a longggg time too. It rarely broke, but when it did break oh boy it completely shit the bed :D
Fair enough, TIL!
Hello! Glad to be back.
Agree, I just worry that these ideas keep coming back again and again. No government or entity can be trusted and we need to keep an eye on them haha.
Obviously the UK is much more concerning at this specific point in time.
The EU are trying to backdoor E2E encryption too. Ipersonallyy think the EU is great but don’t be so sure that everything they do is so benign.
They’ve been trying this shit for years and it always gets defeated. Problem is they keep pushing the issue every few years.
You realise the EU is trying to pull the exact same shit with E2E encryoed chat right?
I thought we use BCE and CE now.
Used Arch for over 5 years. I don’t know if having a child changed me but I realised I’d lost a lot of time I had that I spent just fiddling with configs to get stufftpo my liking so went from Arch xmonad to PopOs and Gnome.
It has been stable and doesn’t have the snap bullshit that comes with Ubuntu.
It won’t make any difference, really.