I think you’re right, and it really pisses me off to think about because the republicans were almost guaranteed to win no matter which candidate they put forward. Yet they picked Trump the traitor.
I think you’re right, and it really pisses me off to think about because the republicans were almost guaranteed to win no matter which candidate they put forward. Yet they picked Trump the traitor.
I was going to comment that this looks more like ffxiv than skyrim, and expose the boomer who made this meme that can’t tell the difference between two extremely popular games.
Although I’ve never played ffxiv so I don’t actually know if that’s what this is, and I didn’t play enough skyrim to be able to identify those wall/ground textures.
The Republican party in general.
This is the only positive thing in the Trump administration so far. I was worried that they were going to de-fang the FTC and DOJ’s antitrust efforts and just start handing out slaps on the wrist again, but nope. It seems they’re going ahead with the Biden-era aggressiveness, which is awesome.
Of course, they’ll never touch Musk’s companies, and it remains to be seen if Microsoft/Google/etc will be able to bribe Trump for a settlement. But at least it’s a glimmer of hope in the otherwise onslaught of depressing news.
When I was a kid, like ~6 years old, I walked into my parent’s room and saw a little bottle of eye drops on the night stand. I guess I was curious, but for some reason I decided to apply them to my eyes.
The bottle was harder to squeeze than I expected, but when a tiny drop finally came out I missed my eye and got it on the edge of my eyelid. Turns out it was superglue and not eye drops. Luckily, it was such as small amount that I was able to wash it off and pretend like it never happened.
I still don’t know why some super glue bottles look so similar to eye drops.
What the fuck have you been smoking? Do you seriously believe that the average black male American will die before retirement age?
So who are they planning to invade next ~18 years from now?
And ketamine. Don’t forget about the ketamine.
The amount of raw, undiluted satisfaction that would come from watching Musk’s fortune disappear would probably be enough to tide me over for the rest of the Trump presidency. I could be sent to a concentration camp slaving away somewhere manufacturing MAGA merch, and I’d still have a smile on my face knowing Elon went broke.
“real time raytracing” as is advertised by hardware vendors and implemented in games today is primarily faked by AI de-noising. Even the most powerful cards can’t fire anywhere near enough rays to fully raytrace a scene in realtime, so instead they just fire a very low number of rays, and use denoising to clean up the noisy result. That’s why, if you look closely, you’ll notice that reflections can look weird, and blurry/smeary (especially on weaker cards). It’s because the majority of those pixels are predicted by machine learning, not actually sampled from the real scene data.
Blender/Maya’s and other film raytracers have always used some form of denoising (before machine learning denoising, there were other algorithms used), but in films they’re applied after casting thousands of rays per pixel. In a game today, scenes are rendering around 1 ray per pixel, and with DLSS it’s probably even less since the internal render resolution is 2-4x smaller than the final image.
As a technologist, I’ll readily admit these are cool applications of machine learning, but as a #gamer4lyfe, I hate how they look in actual games. Until gpus can hit thousands (or maybe just hundreds) of rays per pixel in real time, I’ll continue to call it “fake AI bullshit” rather than “real time raytracing”
also, here’s an informative video for anyone curious: https://youtu.be/6O2B9BZiZjQ
I like postmarketos, but lol. Lmao, even.
Because it creates e-waste, and e-waste is immensely profitable.
I remember running some linux distro on my G1 wayy back in the day. Idk if it was debian, but it was a formative learning experience for me since it taught me what “chroot” was.
“Fat” means high body fat percentage, not just “weighs a lot”.
People with lots of muscle are categorized as obese with the regular BMI formulas, but that obviously doesn’t apply to them.
If I don’t do some sports for a week I immediately feel horrible.
I’m under 30, and I feel like that when I don’t go to the gym for a few days. That’s probably not specifically an aging thing.
The cost of DoF rendering far outweighs the memory savings of using reduced texture sizes, especially on older hardware where memory would be at a premium
I’m on a 4090 an ray tracing increases the temperature in my room by a degree or three
I always hated bloom, probably because it was overused. As a light touch it can work, but that is rarely how devs used it.
I like DoF as it actually has a purpose in framing a subject. The rest are just lazy attempts at making the game “look better” by just slopping on more and more effects.
Current ray tracing sucks because its all fake AI bullshit.
Anyone got a source for these numbers?