Did you get a cheap home slicer or a more expensive commercial type slicer?
The NA Labatt Blue is pretty good too
Working on Sunny on Apple TV. It’s weird, but good
How do you attach the pipe to the wall for something like the drill holders? I can picture something strong enough to hold up to the weight of a drill
This site is pretty cool. Thanks for pointing it out!
5 stars and 2 thumbs up
I rinse mine in the sink, tap on a towel a few times, then dry with microfiber
Great fishing in queebec
I think we could do a chicken thighs, chicken breast, and plastic bottle rum version of the diet for cheap
I’m thinking the Champagne of Beers is where it’s at.
Don’t forget it has to be lit up too. Remember when sunning your taint was a health kick? I bet it kills hella viruses
I try to get in 30-40 minutes walks with entertaining audiobooks on my earbuds. I breathe fresh air and think about anything but life.
Occasionally I find myself trapped in thoughts and realize that I haven’t been listening to the book, so I back it up and try again
I have the same issue. I think they add the flame grilled flavor through the magic of additives and it probably flavors your stomach for hours
Just finished recaulking the bathtub. I hate the job with a passion. When we bought the house it had acrylic caulk and I’m still scraping that off 10 years later. Silicone went on well, so hopefully it will last a while.
Next on the list is to replace the guts of a toilet. It flushes ok, but takes forever to refill so double flushes are out of the question. I’m 80% confident that it’s the internals and not the water supply, but only one way to find out.
In the next 100 years the covid vaccine will have killed nearly 100% of us
Wait you aren’t/weren’t called a tromboner?
What infuriates me almost as much as chili on spaghetti is that the bowl is so full you can’t possibly eat it without dropping cheese and chili all over the plate underneath and probably all over the table.
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