Most landlords report a taxable income of less than $100,000 and there are more landlords in the $18,200 to $45,000 income bracket than the $120,000 to $180,000 range, recent tax data shows.
So, they earn shitloads more than that an minimise their tax down to nearly nothing via a complex web of trusts and companies?
Yet another Murdoch “you’re not allowed to be angry about your situation, just shut up and keep transferring your wealth upwards” bullshit article.
It’s been done in other categories, and while I don’t really see a problem with it if the drivers have the ability to opt out of they want, I also don’t see the point.
The V8 Supercars used to put it up along with cabin temperature etc. It was more interesting to see that the cabin was 50+ degrees C all race than it was to see that a very fit athlete was rocking 200bpm during strenuous exercise (aka mid race)