What are your recommendations for people with small faces? Because I’ve never encountered an N95 that felt like it fit.
What are your recommendations for people with small faces? Because I’ve never encountered an N95 that felt like it fit.
Check pharmacies; most have been replaced by chains, but some independent pharmacies are still around, and will have a number of home staples.
Ethnic markets in general are a good option for finding locally-owned shops, but they’re going to differ in terms of what staples they actually carry.
Haven’t seen this mentioned yet so:
The honey may not expire, but the container you store it in could. I’d be very concerned about plastic disintegrating and/or leeching into the honey. Glass would be better for that, but it’s also really heavy compared to plastic, so you’d need more, smaller containers instead of one giant tub.
The original poster in the screenshot is “confessions of a diabetic,” and based on her avatar I’m taking an educated guess that her illness is not lifestyle-caused. That’s what makes your comment tone-deaf: a person with an incurable disease makes a statement, that other people with incurable diseases resonated with, and you start going off about lifestyle changes like it’s contributing to the conversation and not just making chronically ill people feel bad. Why bad? Because it’s a) a reminder of all the times they tried in vain to fix their condition with lifestyle changes, b) overlooks that most chronically ill people do actively engage in (often extreme) lifestyle adjustments to help manage symptoms, and c) reinforces the idea that if chronically ill people just tried harder they could be cured).
Putting “a lot” in front of your statement doesn’t negate that it’s out of context, and thus insensitive and not contributing to the discussion. It’s a case of “you’re not a member of the group of people that are commiserating here, so maybe this conversation isn’t for you to participate in.”
“Just chewing on plastic, what’s going on with you?”
Yes, most chewing gum is literally made of plastic, because of course it is.
You sound like RFK Jr. Yes most people in our modern world don’t get enough exercise, but it’s not a panacea. Exercise, sunlight, and clean eating alone won’t do more than nudge most chronic illnesses. Hell, the latest on ME/CFS is that exercise can actually worsen symptoms.
“All I needed was exercise and/or a healthier diet and I felt great!” folks were not truly ill to begin with, just slacking. There’s a huge difference, and insinuating otherwise is a giant slap in the face to those who’ve tried these things (and likely so much more) and are still struggling with debilitating health issues. To use a car analogy, regular oil changes and premium fuel won’t compensate for a broken axel.
Those devices absolutely need regular cleaning, because they will get moldy and will spew dirty air everywhere.
Log was absolutely a part of my American high school math curriculum, and while it may not make its way to everyone, many if not most Americans were exposed to it in school. But people have terrible memories when it comes to what they leaned in school, doubly so regarding math, quadruply so regarding higher-level math. Regardless of their level of educational exposure to math concepts, I certainly don’t expect the average American adult to be able to reliably do any math they learned outside of elementary school, myself included, because after a few decades of not practicing, not even thinking about those concepts, that knowledge is almost certainly gone or at least covered in a very heavy mat of mental cobwebs.
Even worse is when you try to “support local” and discover that, sure, the local hardware store sponsors the town’s little league team, but the owner also reposts racist memes on his personal social media page. You can’t win.
Step one: live in a country the size of Kentucky with the population of Texas + Florida, half of whom live in the capital’s metro region while the other half live within half-a-day’s drive.
The US’s geography makes comparisons with successful protests in much smaller countries basically moot.
To add to this, the “default” for a three-character ensemble in circa 90s kids media was: one (white) boy, one (white) girl, one (non-white) boy, for a 1:2 gender/race and 2:1 “diversity” ratio, which made the media feel diverse (back then this was generally considered a good thing) while still making male and white the default. In other words, a win-win that still was a setback to true diversity. Examples: Wishbone TV show and Harry Potter (if you count ginger as non-white).
Interesting idea, but it would need to be heavily moderated against scams and such that have pervaded other online “handmade” shops.
Cruises are an environmental nightmare; we really should not be promoting them for any reason.
Me trying to raise kids
Well there’s your first problem
While I appreciate the effort, how is this not an inevitable losing game of whack-a-mole?
I don’t know if there’s a word for it, but there’s a comic for it:
I stumbled onto the community from all/top hour when it was in its infancy. I browse “top hour” a lot to try and boost lemmy from the ground up, and was excited to see a new community promoting OC (something that a lot of other users at the time were lamenting was severely lacking on lemmy). However what I saw were clearly not OC photos, and so I tried to do the “right thing” and comment that the posts were inappropriate for the community (again, with the intention of helping a new community flourish by nipping bad content in the bud). I guess because I came from “top hour” I did not notice that the creator/sole mod of the community was the poster, so Stamets probably interpreted my comments as more condescending than I intended (as again, I thought I was directing the comment at a “lost lemming”). As with OP, it didn’t go over well and I got banned.
Honestly my lemmy usage went down quite a bit after the experience, because it made me reflect on the amount of time and effort I was making to create/mod my own communitites, post OC, promote smaller posts/communities, etc., all for the “greater good” of supporting lemmy/the fediverse. It would be one thing if Stamets had taken the hint from the many comments received and either renamed or altered the content of the community, but it’s hard not to get a sour taste in your mouth to see what I at least interpret to be misinformation (in an era when misinformation literally led the so-called greatest nation on earth straight into fascism) continue unimpeded.
At no point has Gmail ever said “we’re no longer allowing you to send/receive emails to/from Hotmail” or has Yahoo said “we’re maintained by a single volunteer who because of real life stuff can no longer continue so we’re discontinuing our email service.”
But this literally happens with instances all the time.
An American Tail 3: return to the motherland