We have 2G but not 3G (killed a few years ago). The reasoning behind this is that people with 2G only phones are less likely to use the Internet (also M2M devices) than 3G phones, and 3G only phones were already old when this happened.
We have 2G but not 3G (killed a few years ago). The reasoning behind this is that people with 2G only phones are less likely to use the Internet (also M2M devices) than 3G phones, and 3G only phones were already old when this happened.
Ok, k8s is harder but I feel that applying configuration remotely is more robust. I haven’t used swarm though.
The control plane, I guess…
Why swarm and not not k3s?
A wee bit higher (cause I’m not on Iliad and you have the first FTTH offering that’s cheaper than what they’re offering now): ≈30€ for 1000/100 FTTH and 4,90 € for 20 GB (I don’t use them much though)
You’re welcome!
For no 2, in k8s, you can use MetalLB. Then the service will be of type LoadBalancer and you won’t have to create an ingress.
A ceasefire?
Re: errors Rust Result is an algebraic data type, so an enum with two variants (one is Ok and the other is Err). This means that you cannot use the result without checking it, making impossible to mess up error handling. Well, you can always panic by calling unwrap(), but then you don’t have a program to worry anymore ;)
DuckDuckGo forces TLS while google doesn’t, so you can use IE5 or an old Safari with Google, but not with DDG.
Click house is for OLAP workloads
Are AllWinners any good now?
Orange pi zero?
There’s some usage in reMarkable: https://toltec-dev.org/
In case OP doesn’t know, if a repo hasn’t got a licence it’s implied it’s licensed under “all rights reserved”, so not open source! You need to https://choosealicense.com
It is a very different product, born as a .NET IDE and not as a code editor
This isn’t related to boot to gecko, right?