9 months ago@[email protected] @[email protected] Which, funny enough, is Precisely Why I run KDE Connect.
Also, I don’t let my androids fraternize with Windows machines, I’d have to boil them all later because, ew.
I make things, I fix things, and quite often break things. A Silicon Valley refugee living in the Pacific North West.
Three decades in the world of computers and most of it developing the Internet (largely as a Web Thing, but not really).
#Carbs #Salt #Sugar #Caffeine #SysAdmin #Dogs #Outdoors #Food #WestCoast #Seattle #SiliconValley #SantaCruz #UNIX #OpenSource #SelfHosting #UrbanWalking #WiFi #CafeComputing #Geekosterone
@[email protected] @[email protected] Which, funny enough, is Precisely Why I run KDE Connect.
Also, I don’t let my androids fraternize with Windows machines, I’d have to boil them all later because, ew.
@loudwhisper GoDaddy gonna GoDaddy. *shrug*