• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • He’s not pushing “America First”. He’s just saying “America First”. He has no intention, should he somehow come to power again, on acting on it. He won’t act meaningfully on anything he says.

    We know this because this has happened before. He ran on hating brown people and queer people, but when he became president in spite of the fact that he got significantly fewer votes than his opponent, the only meaningful thing he did was massively increase the deficit and give that money to rich people, to the tune of twenty thousand dollars from every man, woman, and child in the country. And also sell state secrets to comparatively minor regional powers in the east. And we mustn’t forget the million-plus excess deaths he presided over because he seems to legitimately think that things he doesn’t understand can’t be understood so just say whatever and let the corpses fall where they will.

    The news outlets who report on this shit know this, but as far as I can tell they don’t want to report on any of it because they’re worried idiots will be mad at them. We need a better way, but before we can have a better way, we need to smite this movement. Nothing good can possibly come of it for anybody but Trump himself. Even his followers only stand to lose.

  • Plenty of things to choose from. You could, for example,

    -Exist while not being a bright shade of pink or orange

    -Know basic math

    -Love your neighbor

    -Not live in fear of strawmen

    -Demonstrate the most basic of critical thinking skills

    -Dislike dictators

    -Not care about what other people do in their bedroom

    -Support access to medical care

    -Want rich people to pay their dues

    -Not be a complete tool

    Any one of those things would be enough, but for maximum effect, I suggest doing all of them.

  • I just can’t with this shit any more. For all intents and purposes, we have two parties in this country. One of them incites idiots to kill immigrants and gleefully admits doing so. The other party knows that immigrants are people. And somehow the headline ends up being … this slop.

    Because Democrats are apparently not enthusiastic enough about immigrants? Or maybe just because the media is vile and only cares about the media. Either way, this is awful reporting. Equating Republicans with Democrats on immigration in any way is astoundingly dishonest and the article fails in every possible way to justify the headline.