can you give some examples where it would come handy?
can you give some examples where it would come handy?
It would only smell if you stick your mouth to the bottle ( the bacteria from your mouth will transfer to the bottle ). But if you drink it the other way, you don’t need to wash it ever.
I mean it’s just storing water. You do have to wash it if you store other liquid beverages like coffee or juice. But if you use it just for water, I don’t see why it would contain any bacteria or scum or whatever.
Great hardware for the price though right ?
Are they useful outside of gaming ?
What’s your recommendation ?
Aren’t those for studio work though ? Rather than for daily usage?
How would a barometer help ?
It’s not necessary to wash water bottles.
They are literally trained on human generated content, so …
Why don’t people understand this simple fact ?
What’s up with the username?
That’s actually a good idea.
“Ending, not mending” -BNW
Can you give an example of fringe humour that comes to your mind ?
Are there any good(less bulky and good sound quality) open back headphones for using on the bus (or commute) ?