Gulf of Donvict Distraction
Gulf of Donvict Distraction
“Nobody knew that [seasonality] could be so complicated.”
Dr. FrankenTurtle regrets building his monster.
Bad Turtle! No lettuce!
“Nobody knew [war] could be so complicated”
Was the turtle saved by his shell?
Or follow a general rule of always spelling out the name in the first usage and then using the abbreviation subsequently.
And then there’s the ensuing trade war that always happens, with the countries retaliating with their own tariffs to the US. Tariffs are a lose-lose scenario, just like they were in 2019.
The stuff also known as hydric acid. People just don’t talk enough about how corrosive it is. Plus, it gets in the air and gets in your lungs!
“Where are your papers?!”
Chief Justice Roberts is ready and willing to kiss the ring… and lick the boots when ordered.
I’m guessing Weird Old 34 will declare he won around 10:04 PM EST. At waht time do you think he’ll prematurely and falsely declare victory?
The background of every candidate matters. If the guy ran a casino into the ground, that’s worth reading about if you’re gonna hire him. Of he’s a misogynist, that matters too. When you’re hiring, you choose the best candidate. It ALL matters. You want to pick the best. And there’s plenty of ways for a candidate to disqualify themselves. Weird Old 34 has lots and lots of disqualifying characteristics, with fascist in the top ten.
Can you imagine:
Another example of real life stranger than fiction.
There are people voting for this creepy criminal. It’s mind boggling.
In an effort to combat the spread of fears and disinformation of MAGA, my county’s clerk invited any voter to come and see and learn the election process, to learn how extremely difficult it is to commit fraud and not get caught. Few people took that opportunity.
These same people who are so upset are extremely ignorant individuals who follow a Weird Old Orange Conman as his gullible marks. They would rather be ignorant, upset, and loyal to their cult than to face the reality that they’ve made themselves Putin’s Puppet’s puppets.
Voter suppression is a real disease like gerrymandering.
Bingo! I wish more of the electorate were up to date on current events in an election year. It boggles my mind that people are actually supporting a 34 count convicted felon who will be sentenced in New York in November. And what is he convicted of? Election interference! He’s deceived the voters about his past of sleeping with a porn star!
We have a US Constitution that sets this high bar that one is innocent until proven guilty by a jury of one’s peers. To not respect that is to disrespect the Constitution. We expect the President to keep an oath to keep the laws of the land, you know, that whole Law and Order thing? How can you hire a criminal to work for you whose job is to keep the rule of law and defend it?
It’s so nuts that this election is so close. Shame on the media for giving this disgusting adjudicated rapist so much air time every day.
Blame Weird Old 34’s enablers for not holding him accountable when they had the chance: Moscow Mitch McConnell, the conservative SCOTUS Justices, Merrick Garland’s slowness, and so many more!
It’s the sane washing that needs to go. Stop normalizing the bad behavior of malignant narcissism and criminality.