Lmao, so accurate.
A genius wouldn’t post something this pointless and idiotic in the first place. If they felt inclined to, they would likely not think it worth the time.
Scanning for fascist_bullshit
fascist_bullshit found!
Adding host to block list.
Commies Bucs was good.
Exactly this. All this outlandish bullshit is meant to soften the blow of something truly awful cooking.
Geno is good. I can’t really put a finger on what went wrong. Honestly, I think maybe DK not catching a few passes here and there and the defense looking like Swiss cheese before we obtained Ernest Jones along with injury issues.
My most vivid memories of Fox News were when the GWB administration was trying to build a case against Iraq, especially following 9/11. When it reached its boiling point and GWB called a press conference, I knew he was declaring war. The rhetoric had done its job.
Fox News talking heads later confirmed that they were receiving talking points from the White House during that era. It hasn’t ended.
I appreciate you trying to shift the narrative and demonize our modern day folk hero, but it’s probably not going to work.
And it’s best to let them know what their policies will be for the coming year in person. Putin’s end of year review with them.
Sigh, you nerds are too much sometimes.
I don’t think he’s saying people _shouldn’t _ have the right health, just that in America, they currently do not.
But that’s just my interpretation and it still doesn’t help qualify him for the role trump selected him for.
I don’t care lol. The last screenshot is a movie reference. It wasn’t malicious in the slightest.
I’m no Trumper, and definitely don’t think Dr Oz is the right person for this job, but this is yet another case of words being taken out of context. Watch the video for yourself.
Someday I hope we all get to see what kompromat Putin has on them. It has to be really awful.
He had such a dramatic falloff.
Homosexuality is still sexuality. The same driving force is behind it, it just doesn’t result in reproduction.
Reproduction is a fundamental driving force in human behavior. I refuse to believe there are truly asexual people who aren’t neurodivergent.