Vegan, triathlete, P.E. student, Unix user and lover. Interests: human and sport phisiology, biochemistry, pedagogy, literature, street art, music and programming.

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I use a Samsung N150P, bought it quite cheap, most of my use in it is for studying and college, hence it’s a small and inexpensive machine.

    BPI-M5 is a single board computer like Raspberry Pi, I’ve choosen OpenBSD due to its focus in security, documentation and also i want to try it in a desktop bare metal test machine(which is the one im currently using Void). I looked into FreeBSD too and it seems quite cool, ZFS, jails, good documentation and community too. Btw, I tried NomadBSD in a usb stick but it failed to build and kinda trashed the stick, I can’t write over it now lol( still don’t know if its repairable), will try with another stick soon.

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    2 years ago

    Wow, amazing. Definetely a light theme that i would use. Really aestethic and cohesive. Maybe Will try to reach something like It someday.

    Btw, i have a N150P too i run Void with i3wm+i3blocks+rofi. Love the small machines, i use It to college works and study in general. It still has a battery that holds about 2 hours of reading or text editing.