@lascapi @QuazarOmega You can set rules for a lot of options for application windows.
FOSS Geek, Sr. SRE, and mech keyboard snob.
@lascapi @QuazarOmega You can set rules for a lot of options for application windows.
@ada @guillermohs9 Did you get a tzdata update? Maybe it was set wrong by mistake. I’d use timedatectl to check it.
@sic_semper_tyrannis @BlueEther No. SuSE is it’s own distro, it’s been around since the 90s.
@Blisterexe @citizenserious Because something else you have installed via flatpak has it listed as a dependency.
flatpak list --app --columns=application,runtime
This should tell you the deps I believe. I had this happen with Master PDF Reader’s flatpak. It depended on very old libs. I removed the reader package which yanked the dep as well, then just installed the app another way. Not all apps are packaged by the project and sometimes are slow to update or get abandoned…
@boredsquirrel I did an @ to [email protected] instead of [email protected] … oops. :(
@boredsquirrel It already was attached, not sure why you can’t see it. I just did a quick copy of the URL I replied with. 🤔
@ColdWater Same for me. I think it’s a bug in 6.3.x as I tried several icon packs with the same weird result.