I thought I linked to the gallery in the post, but here it is:
I’m just this guy, you know?
I thought I linked to the gallery in the post, but here it is:
Feel free to look up the TouronsOfYellowstone Instagram account for a fun follow…
Precisely. I live near Yosemite National Park, and it would be an absolute disaster if there were enough hotels, campgrounds, and amenities to meet the demand. The demand FAR exceeds its capacity for tourists, but it would destroy the very reason for that demand if that actually happened.
So what did they do? Set rules for the number of tourists allowed in the park per day, and stuck to it.
Categories such as “education” are useful for limiting access for specific groups of devices. For example, if one class has a particularly mischievous group who keep going off task from their devices, rules can be created to whitelist certain categories, and only pass traffic that are in these more straightforward categories. Just FYI.
I work in K12 IT, and the reason is that all manner of categories are defined for both blacklisting and whitelisting when creating content filter rules. So while “education” would not be used for blocking, it would be useful for rules to apply to specific defined groups or devices which can only access specific categories (such as education). Just FYI.
Honestly, this baffles me. I work in K12 as a CTO, and when hiring techs or network admins, I always let applicants know during the interview when I will make the hiring decision, and they will receive an official letter of regret if they are not hired. I always keep resumes on file, as you never know if other opportunities come up. Why would any organization want to burn bridges with potential hires?
Maybe it’s just me being Gen X, but not hearing one way or the other would prompt me to pick up the phone, and at the very least check back to ask if they’ve made a decision after a week (maybe two) if I’ve interviewed…
Yes, that patented “Sure-Align” neck joint is one of the best features that drew me to the SC series initially. It’s great. I also love the neck profile - it’s very much like the electric guitars I’m accustomed to. It’s a fantastic instrument.
I mean, is there such a thing as a silent electric coffee grinder? I think I can live with it…lol.
My primary observation is that Baratza sells replacement parts for their grinders, and the parts are interchangeable in the Sette series, which I think is really cool.
Happy caffeinating!
Very nice. Did it come with those bellows, or was that aftermarket?
I also have the Virtuoso+, which was my first step beyond the blade grinders I had always used, and it’s a big upgrade. You’re going to really notice the difference in brews. Congratulations!
I did see this: Baratza single dose hopper with bellows. I don’t have one, but that may be something I get later. I suppose a bellows might be decent at getting the last bit of coffee out of the burrs. It’s not too expensive, so perhaps I’ll give it a try…
That’s the first guitar my parents ever got me - a 1983 Aria Pro IIrs “Wildcat.” Made in Japan (in the famed Matsumoku factory), it’s a Strat copy with dual humbucker pickups, and a push-pull volume knob that will coil-split either, for a good single-coil sound as well. For an inexpensive instrument (I think it was around $200 in 1983) it’s very well built. That’s why I’ve kept it all these years…
I guess my only question is, why is this happening when there is literally no wind blowing?
Well, I can say definitively that I know what is making that clicking sound. It’s hard to see since the cable is in silhouette, but there are silver-colored spirals wound around the cable, and the sound is made by the plastic sheathing of the black cable wobbling inside of those metal spirals. The spirals are made of aluminum, I’m pretty sure. Those spirals are put there to stiffen the the hanging cable, and appear on the hanging cable between every set of poles (not just these, that are wiggling). There are two spirals mounted on each cable between the poles. I assume the spirals are mounted there to provide damping, just in case the wind does cause the cable hanging between the poles to swing too much. But, there was no wind blowing when I shot this video (Dec 5, 2023). The voice you hear is mine, just speculating on what might be causing the oscillating cable…
No, I’ve never tried to quantify the variables in that way. Just out walking the dog, and notice this strange behavior from time to time. I always assumed the poles were placed a specific distance apart, but honestly, I’m not sure. I suppose if I ever have the urge to pace it out to get a good estimate, I will…
Hmm. It’s odd that this isn’t ALWAYS vibrating, but it IS only between these two poles that I’ve noticed the vibration. But why not between other sets of poles? And since the cable vibrating the most isn’t a power cable (I believe it’s fiber, but it could be copper - but it’s definitely telecom, since it’s not insulated on the top crossbar, as the other power cables are), it can’t really be much power going through it. I’m kind of hoping someone else has seen similar behavior somewhere else. You can see the anti-wind-twist devices (don’t know what else to call them) bolted to the other telecom cable (sort of diamond-shaped) and they will cause the cable to stabilize when the wind is really blowing, but you can see the wind isn’t blowing at all, and the cable continues to vibrate quite noticeably. I really do hope someone else has seen something like it elsewhere…
Time After Time is underrated. Mary Steenburgen and Malcolm McDowell. McDowell, playing H.G. Wells, invents the Time Machine, and then Jack the Ripper uses it to go to the future. H.G. Wells follows him to stop him, and he meets Steenburgen in “modern” times (the then-current 1980’s.)
Fun movie - a sci-fi thriller, I guess you’d call it. Still one of my favorites, too.
Thanks. I’m fortunate to live in the area, and just happened to be able to pull over and take this one. Not too bad for handheld, I think.
Thanks - I’ve never been to Maine before, so this was a fun trip. It was a bit cloudy when I was there (although not raining), and the colors weren’t as vibrant as they could be, so I made a choice to develop in black and white. But, here’s on in color, from the same day…
LOL. Sorry, I thought I linked to the whole gallery: