I was imagining disappointment
I was imagining disappointment
It’s not active right now, but The Fish Doorbell is a fun one in the spring/summer
Lol I’m stealing this
If we’re not counting the shift key, ZZ to quit is only 2!
Yeah it was a USB dongle, I think Garmin made it, and it was a huge pain to set up. Power inverter into the car charger, laptop into the power inverter, Garmin dongle into the laptop, load up the software and wait like 10 minutes for it to triangulate itself with glonass or whatever other satellite options were in there. After that it worked pretty well, but most of the time I could get to where I wanted to go before it could figure out where I was.
The original Droid was the first one I had that really impressed me, basically because of how much nicer it was than that previous experience. Now I just had to pull out my phone and launch the app, and it was accurate to within a few feet instead of a few meters! Still took them a few years to update Google maps with a lot of the new subdivisions in the area, but for a novelty navigator it was pretty cool.
Am I out of touch? No, it’s the dictionaries that are wrong.
Haha yeah there are still a couple oddball things like battlenet I use lutris for, but damn if heroic isn’t just easier all the way around.
I’ve never gotten past the “well I tried once and it didn’t work” stage with bottles, maybe one of these days I’ll actually sit down and try to get it working properly.
Yeah both heroic game launcher and lutris will install gog games, heroic is a bit easier though. Then from desktop mode you just right click on the game shortcut and hit “add to steam” so it’ll show up in your steam library (in the non steam games section).
You can also add heroic or lutris to the non steam games section, so that you can use it as a separate game launcher/library manager if you want.
Women are the best part of the world of warcraft and then I can get it to the first time I was gonna put it in the fridge
I’ve run alpine on alpine, it works just fine
I usually just pop in an extra disk and install the new distro there, makes it easy to just disconnect the old one when I’m ready