samsung c6112 to samsung galaxy y s5360
samsung c6112 to samsung galaxy y s5360
porn , opera is the side browser on all systems to keep my history somewhat clean
my phones flash light
egypt is a wreck of a dictatorship and jordan is a puppet nation propped up as a buffer for isreal , neither can do shit
it was never worth the hassle because its not for your benefit its for the benefit of your boss , you waking up earlier in winter gives your boss one extra hour of work from you in daylight
inb4 google cancels pixels
put a smiley sticker over numlock and tell them to hit that
scrap everything and start from 0
its a fancy lighter , cant have a sword fight with those
thats the underside of their crash couch
that is still too damn big to comfortably use one handed
this kids is called a retcon , dont read too much into it
working as intended
i want my 7 forma akzani to be useful again pls
volt : the frame for slow players that cant bullet jump properly , still relevant because his shield buffs amps , ult that cant do anything unless you spoonfeed it , 2nd best electricity frame out of a total of 2
thats what i thought at first too
make the task bar vertical for more vertical space
lenovo B , that little slow piece of shit was the last phone i could use without my fingers getting sore because it was the perfect size and weight , i read a looot of ebooks on that thing until i lost it one day