The main problem I see is the ‘collective’ part, or rather how to achieve it.
Many people want similar things but feel powerless and rightfully so.
If we could create some sort of protocol or platform that enables positive communication it might go a long way.
There was the idea posted at r/abetterworld which I think is a great basis for this, if it could be created.
This type of system would allow many people to coalesce their views and wants, then plan steps needs to achieve those goals.
Without something like this, that brings people together through common views I don’t know how to get what OP wants. Divisive sites bring people together in one place but don’t units ideas, the consensus engine could change the world. If it existed in a free and open way.
Most of us have a faith, for many that faith is not in any hokey old religion but in the things we have come to trust.
Can one have ‘faith’ that science is the correct path? I think so, I wouldn’t call it faith like believing your actions are controlled by a magic ghost but I think it could still fit the word be believing in the ability of something to persevere even if it isn’t immediately successful.
To show a quotation from an old TV show might highlight my point, "
OLD MAN 1: So much for your tolerant open-minded Starfleet ideals.
JANEWAY: There’s a difference between respecting the spiritual beliefs of other cultures and embracing them myself.
OLD MAN 1: Fine. Don’t embrace a thing. It’s all the same to us. Go on back to your ship and play with your molecular microscanner.
OLD WOMAN: You’ve tried all that already, but it didn’t work, did it. Kes didn’t get better.
JANEWAY: No, she didn’t.
OLD WOMAN: Why not?
JANEWAY: The Doctor couldn’t explain it.
OLD WOMAN: So it’s inexplicable. A miraculous non-recovery.
JANEWAY: We haven’t found the reason yet.
OLD WOMAN: But of course you will. You’ll find all the answers eventually, with enough time and study, and the right sort of tools. That’s what you believe isn’t it as a scientist?
OLD MAN 1: Be honest.
JANEWAY: Yes, that’s what I’ve always believed.
OLD MAN 2: Even when her science fails right before her eyes she still has full confidence in it. Now there’s a leap of faith.
OLD WOMAN: Unconditional trust. Now that’s promising.