Have you tried Gadgetbridge?
Have you tried Gadgetbridge?
I like telegram but russians.
You know, I have friends that say this, but at the same time they’re stuck to tiktok like crazy…
I have an LG TV and was OK with it, but then I read this news recently: https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/14/23794747/lg-tv-smart-home-appliances-ads-subscriptions-webos .
Looks like nothing/nobody escapes capitalism.
I use torrenttols and BEP-47 is supported. Give it a try.
How is it not working? What OS are you running, what Firefox version?
I don’t know about him, but I have my first mac (from work) for two months and I never had Apple Music open when I plugged my headphones in.
For terminal wezterm is also awesome.
Didn’t go to a concert even though one of my frieds was the guitarist for the opening band and I was invited… The next morning I found out the club was on fire and 65 people died. Romania - Colectiv. RIP good people!
It shouldn’t!
I couldn’t understand exactly what the problem is… and the writing style is infuriating. State your problem, then explain what you want!
Let’s make more money… MORE MONEY… MORE FUCKING MONEY…
Greed will destroy us
Oh no, for sure! I did it with Debian in '98-99.
Car rentals should be forced to provide a manual, especially nowadays when cars are full of computers and different cars have different operating modes/systems.
And no, I don’t think she is stupid or dumb. I would have reacted the same way to an idiotic display instead of a mirror with no sign to say “click here to switch to mirror”
Why are people upvoting you is beyond my comprehension.
The fact that you were kids and made a mistake doesn’t mean that you can’t/shouldn’t bathe a kitten!!!
Just make sure you prepare for the task: use warm water and wash the kitten from tail to neck - it’s better to avoid the head and anyway there’s little to no fleas on the head. I’m no vet, but I got this advice from my vet when I found a flea infested kitten under my car.
So, for people reding this: yes, you can bathe your kitten, but get some advice from your vet beforehand!
OK… So, just to test, edit your crontab and run a basic command:
*/1 * * * * date >> ~/date.log
this will append the current date/time once a minute (*/1
) to a file in your home dir. You can check if it works with cat ~/date.log
If that works, then try again with your command. I see you used the full path to it, that’s a good thing. Also, what does that command do if you run it manually?
To run the command at 10 PM every day, you should have it like this:
0 22 * * * /usr/bin/sct 2750
When you go to your account settings, you should have this: