There was also an episode of Buffy that was held from airing because the subject was a potential school shooting and it was planned to air like the day after Columbine.
There was also an episode of Buffy that was held from airing because the subject was a potential school shooting and it was planned to air like the day after Columbine.
We used to go camping in the California City desert all the time. It is super weird seeing cul-de-sacs and street signs with nothing but dirt.
Per the article it’s the “third largest by land area.”
The issue would resolve almost immediately after killing Qbit.
Cleared NAT translations and rebooted my router for good measure. No dice.
I’ll double check this, but my router is enterprise grade so I don’t think I would hit any NAT limitations.
Also, as mentioned in my other response, this isn’t affecting any other nodes on my network except the server running Qbit and Jackett.
I have another Ubuntu VM on the same host that works fine when this one is failing.
Thanks so much for the response!
Sorry, to clerify: this server is the only one effected. The rest of my network is working perfectly fine.
All other internet traffic is running without a problem, it’s only http/https traffic on this one server running Qbit and Jackett.
Thanks for the response!
And what would you know about the movie “Hackers”?
Pull the bottom drawer out, there might be a set top box or something else connected to the TV via HDMI that you can unplug and use the cable from.
I travel with a Fire Stick and bring a female to female HDMI coupler for this reason.
Lightning McQueen is more recent than Thomas The tank, so the correct phrase would be “Lightning McQueen is today’s Thomas The Tank…” or “Thomas The Tank is yesterday’s Lightning McQueen…”
Cat6a can do up to 10gbps, I don’t see a reason to go 8.1, unless you expect to outgrow 10g.