
My Dearest Sinophobes:

Your knee-jerk downvoting of anything that features any hint of Chinese content doesn’t hurt my feelings. It just makes me point an laugh, Nelson Muntz style as you demonstrate time and again just how weak American snowflake culture really is.

Hugs & Kisses, 张殿李

  • 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • The Apollo project launched the roughly comparable Saturn V rockets 13 times. None of the launched rockets exploded. None of the launched¹ missions led to any loss of life.

    The Saturn V was made at a time when all the computing power on the planet put together was less than a middling-power smart phone of five years ago. The rockets and modules were controlled by computers that had less computing horsepower than an average USB charger. And it was more of an experimental rocket system than anything the Apartheid Manchild’s company has put out thus far.

    Space Karen’s company has launched their pretentiously-named “Starship” system seven times. Four of them ended up exploding, and one of them broke up the launch pad so badly that it endangered life and limb and did damnable violence to a fragile ecosystem with endangered species.

    And yet the fanbois trumpet the “success” of a mission that has not yet actually made it to LEO, has not done any of the things it was supposed to have had done in 2022 for NASA’s Artemis mission and going back to the moon.

    And this turd wants to send people to MARS!?

    ¹ Important word here. Re-read it before you “well akshuallee” me.

  • Now imagine this:

    I lived in Inuvik for three years (Dad was stationed there). For three consecutive winters I lived 30 days of night. You think you get SAD “down south”? You ain’t seen nothin’ 'til you’ve faced a whole month of nothing but twilight conditions or darker.

    Which brings us to my first Sunrise Festival.

    This is the most memorable sun-related event in my life, displacing even the total solar eclipse I experienced in Wuhan a few years back. For 30 days there was no sun. Further, for 15 days the “twilight” portions of the day got darker and darker until it was basically nothing but night. Then, for 15 days, in the depths of SAD you’ve never felt the like of, it got brighter and brighter at the high parts of the day.

    Until the day of the Sunrise Festival.

    This is the day that basically all work stops as close to noon we gathered out in the streets and playgrounds (in my case) and such to watch the sky. Watch the twilight get brighter and brighter and brighter. Until suddenly the sun peeks for a few minutes above the horizon, blood red, staining the sky, only to dip quickly back down.

    Sure we’ve got another month of really, incredibly short days before we face something similar to normalcy, but it’s all good. It only gets lighter from here.

    The sun is back in town.

  • Indeed the “ten commandments” are something that was grafted on afterward. There is no list of ten specific things in the Bible held out as more important than anything else. Indeed in Jewish thought (you know, the people Moses was a part of!), there are over 600 commandments in the Bible, all of which are applicable. There’s no ten specific ones that are somehow exceptionally important.

    Even if you just want to ignore all Jewish tradition and scholarship, which “commandments” do you want? Those of Exodus 20:2-17 or those of Deuteronomy 5:6-21? You need both to make up all the “ten”, and there is overlap between the two lists, but there are also some significant differences and changes. So you can’t rely on just one of them to make up your “ten”. But nor can you really put them together without papering over the fact that they say different things.

    And your second point has bugged me since I was a child. I knew some very good people who studiously studied the Bible in my youth. I also knew some very bad people who did the same.

    But I also knew some very good and very bad Buddhists.

    And Muslims.

    And atheists. (But not Atheists. Those are all basically bad people.)

    And …

    You get the drift. I couldn’t reconcile the Bible being the source of all that is good with the bad Bible-readers or the good believers in other things. It’s why I’m an atheist (but not an Atheist).

  • Yeah, welcome to my world.

    And it’s not just with the loud fundamentalists who hold these attitudes. I completely cut off a friend of almost 20 years who seemed to be one of those “sane” and “quiet” Christians when, in a period of mild intoxication, he let spill everything he actually believed.

    He believed women should stay at home keeping house and raising children. Women should not have careers or aspirations beyond that. He believed that all of his friends were going to Hell to be tortured for eternity. (He was fine with this. Absolutely copacetic.) He believed that victims of natural disaster and of crime deserved it because obviously God was doing this to them for a reason.

    And that’s when I realized that even the “quiet” and “non-extreme” Christians can have horrors concealed beneath their placid exteriors. So now I give very large side-eye when people think their Christianity is so important to their life that they have to bring it up at all in circles where it’s not relevant.

  • A lot of the games I play only once or twice are “cute” and “fun” the first one or two times, then get very … predictable. And naturally some are just games I don’t like at all. I play them once, then never pull them off the shelf again.

    Some games I really like, even after multiple plays, but they’re too much a chore to set up. Or they’re too hard to get the right number of players together for. Or they take more time than I usually have. Or they take more space than I can spare.

    Then there’s the “new shiny” problem. I could play some games over and over and over again, but the people I’d play with have seen this new game and they want to try it. And so many board games are being published weekly (it seems) that there’s ALWAYS a new shiny that keeps people running toward them.