Titan Invictus, Simone, Industry Americus, Malcolm, Torsten Savage and Octavian George
I feel so bad for these children. I know there’s a good chance they’ll grow up to be freaks themselves, but still, talk about being dealt a bad hand
Titan Invictus, Simone, Industry Americus, Malcolm, Torsten Savage and Octavian George
I feel so bad for these children. I know there’s a good chance they’ll grow up to be freaks themselves, but still, talk about being dealt a bad hand
Mine means ‘willful guardian’, it’s rad
It does a better job capturing the whole ‘lonely wanderer in a hostile post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland’ vibe in my opinion, but yeah, there are some core gameplay similarities to Fallout 4
I’ve been playing it a fair bit the last two days. Prior to learning in this thread that there were Nazis among the voice cast (which truthfully I’d suspected would be the case before the game came out) my only issues were that the controls could be smoother and the frame rate is pretty choppy. I haven’t run into any serious bugs yet, but I’m still pretty early in the game.
As for it being boring, I think that’s going to be subjective. It plays like I expected it to so far: a somewhat polished version of OG STALKER (or, like the better Fallout 4 that never was, minus the retrofuturism aesthetic.) I like them both for the same reasons. If you liked the original, I can’t see why you wouldn’t like this one as well (though of course, I’m a masochist who played it vanilla, a modded experience could be far superior for all I know.) But I’m far from the most avid player of the original games, so my word is only worth so much.
Edit: I should note that I’ve been playing the game on Xbox gamepass via my girlfriend’s Xbox account; I might have a less favorable opinion if I’d actually payed for it lol
Further edit: Spoke too soon. I did encounter a bug when switching weapons that locked the camera and trapped me in the weapon select menu, and I had to restart. Also, the combat is very unbalanced. Bloodsuckers in particular have been a major problem, even in the early stages of the game. They’re everywhere, and they’re incredibly bullet spongey. Scripted encounters with them also tend to be incredibly unfair. In one early story quest, you encounter one in a very tight cave, at a time in the game when you likely haven’t progressed very far and don’t have very powerful weapons. It wrecked my shit like 10 times before I decided to just juke it and hope it didn’t follow me further into the cave.
Sorry I didn’t see this earlier, but that is so rad. If I had the time to actually learn how to play tabletop DnD, I would totally do something like that lol
Thank you for doing that, and for the information. I’m a complete dipshit when it comes to web security.
Tracking links?
What’d I do wrong
The Manaan Ahto City ambient music and the track from the Kashyyyk upper canopy especially
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Definitely not, it was a lose/lose proposition from the jump. Nearly everybody watching wanted Tyson to fuck Paul up. Tyson wins? Paul lost to an old man. Paul wins? He beat up an old man. And in either outcome, the crowd isn’t with him.
But even besides all that, as you say, it was a one-off exhibition match, and the main draw was Tyson coming out of retirement. Plus, at least in my mind, the fact that he took 8 rounds to barely beat an old, injured man by decision, makes me wonder if those other 10 wins were tomato cans.
Age comes to us all I suppose, but even so, even knowing there’s no turning back the clock for any of us, I’d hoped Tyson could pull it off one last time and eat that smarmy douchebag.
All-time best Felix bit
Doesn’t China produce more new solar capacity than the rest of the world has like every year?
Correct, and I came in here to say it. MAGA Americans are still Americans, and the overwhelming majority of us are completely housebroken.
Well I’ll be. I’ll have to check it out, I really liked the movie. Thanks.
I believe he was talking about the film from 1973, which Kill Bill heavily homages (or rips off, depending on how charitable you’re feeling) but shit, I never knew Lady Snowblood was originally a manga.
I believe he was talking about the film from 1973, which Kill Bill heavily homages (or rips off, depending on how charitable you’re feeling) but shit, I never knew Lady Snowblood was originally a manga.
And never mind the fact that Russia, even in its currently degraded state, is objectively less evil than the United States
On my last replay of the Machine!Wolfenstein series, it dawned on me that I don’t really like TNC that much, at least not compared to TNO and TOB, which are both utterly fantastic. And I think you just summed up why, apart from (and I know this is probably a git gud moment that I’m setting myself up for) the borderline-unbalanced, controller-throwing difficulty.
Also, minor gripe, but having studied them recently for a course I’m taking, I dislike in hindsight the way the KKK is portrayed in the game. I know the devs are just playing to the popular perception of the Klan as a bunch of ignorant hicks, but in actuality the Klan tended to be populated by small business assholes and middle class joiner-types, people who would’ve been seen as pillars of the community. I know this wasn’t the intention, but portraying them as baying rubes seems like an attempt to downplay how pervasive white supremacist beliefs were even among “respectable” cirlces.