Next you’ll tell me the other ships run on space rocks!!!
Starfleet: “We seek V’ger!” Romulans: “We already got one!”
Agreed, let’s weaponize all sources of news and information. That surely won’t have any long lasting ramifications. These people are untethered from reality.
It’s a pick-em game between best of the worst right now.
Ten forward has some great IPA on tap these days.
That Titan trilogy is such a trip, I’d watch that for sure, just to see if they fully went for it.
Gorn: “just love me damn it”
Say what you want about the Rules of Acquisition, at least it’s an ethos.
I wonder how much grant money she received and stole from legitimate first nations artists over the years due to her false claims. I hope they can be repatriated back to the communities she’s defrauded in some way or another.
If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles O’Brien!
We’re heading into the Red hole or the Black hole…whichever the bad one is.
The Bourne Redundancy