
Self-taught aspiring software enginner (PY/JS/RS) and Amateur Photographer (A42 5G/L830/Mini 3 Pro). My Website is here (no uptime gurantees, self-hosted on my Pi 4 with CF tunnels). I mostly play Ace Combat, Brick Rigs and Minecraft.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • VuraniuteOPtoThinkPad@lemmy.mlWhat should I go for?
    3 months ago

    the prices you’re quoting are absolutely insane, T14 Gen1 AMD should be around the $/€200 mark, that’s old tech (those are actually 3000-series Ryzens), you’re entering battery replacement territory with that age - and those things are expensive.

    yeah, i was expecting people would lose it over that price. 200 euro is the price of a T450 here btw. for some reason, it seems they’re DOUBLE the price in Greece, with 5000/6000-series (gen 2) T14s costing about 700 euros. It’s insane, but it’s my only shot.

    durability - well, as you’ve learned first hand, that’s an easily breakable/losable/stealable device, all the milspec bullshit notwithstanding. babying the thing obsessively is a losing proposition. what you should do is make this device as fungible as possible, i.e. set up a good backup/restore system so when (not if) something does happen, you’re up and running in no time.

    well the primary issue isn’t the data, it’s the hardware itself being replaced. i could keep the t450 around for that, i guess?

    fixing the things in any semi-normal market is a non-issue, as they’re easily opened and the parts are standard and plentiful. I’ve sourced and replaced screens on a T420s, T480s, T14 AMD Gen1; you get them either from local junkers or from aliexpress.

    no shit, i had the t450’s screen repaired same day. the problem is the repairs cost (the 1080p panel was about 80 euros), that’s why i want to cut down on repairs.

    as to your spec that it needs to be a store - maybe rethink that. I haven’t been to greece in a decade, but I remember the then burgeoning alt-market of phones and similiar stuff, being resold, decoded en masse, repaired, etc., I doubt it’s that much different nowadays.

    eh, last i dealt with a device i bought online customer support was total dogshit ( iirc) and they kept sending RMA pickup guys despite me telling them I don’t have the box. they literally don’t have any humans to talk to about any problem you might face.

  • Well, for one example: Kissinger approved Operation Menu, which is estimated to have a death toll of at least 100.000 civilians, and this is just ONE operation. Operation Condor, an anti leftist repression campaign in the Americas, has an estimated count of 80.000 killed and 400.000 political prisoners. These are just specific cases: the “knife wounds” amongst the “amputated limbs” for an analogy.