several key points highlighted
Lists nearly a dozen items 🤣
Damn this is beautiful, had no idea they were parallel movies
The iron in blood is in hemoglobin, the stuff you need to exchange oxygen. Suddenly ripping all of that out wouldn’t necessarily cause a lot of physical trauma. But the person will now immediately asphyxiate while feeling everything as they struggle to breath with no relief.
I wish I could both up vote and down vote this post because of how foul it is and yet it perfectly fits the community
At the very least I’ve got the things that contribute towards unnecessary stress knocked out.
My head can’t help but think of this while reading this comic
Did I do this right 😂
I truly wish we had more politicians that behave in this manner. It should never boil down to my political party versus yours. There shouldn’t be any sides to governing this country.
Please do and link them all here so I can subscribe
This looks like it came straight out of Omega Mart
Got any videos from these days? Always down for ska
I’m surprised no one has brought it up so far. This is from way back when the US was still expanding east to west. Land Ordinance of 1785
It was literally just a means of dividing up the land to make it easier to manage. This is why much of the plains states follow such rectangular county/state lines between water geography.
Edit: States that had their counties/borders established before this act will have more organic geography following boundaries. Counties/States settled after 1785 will display this grid-like pattern.
I know they’re harmless and help with pests. But they got away too many legs and move just as fast for me to be comfortable with them. I’ll take cute little jumping spiders webbing things any day over these.
I’d gladly trust drinking a Dr pepper over anything to do with Dr Phil or Dr oz
I don’t like it 😢
Freakin’ phenomenal execution for this flight! Booster and Starship both performed exactly as designed! Successful catch for Super Heavy, and on target landing for Starship! Footage from SPI is also amazing to see!
Thanks for the link! TIL lemmy let’s you edit the post URL!
Just adding this comment here that despite the update to 1.0.199 stating this has been fixed, this issue persists. I suppose it’s worth clarifying that the front-page is what I was referring to as the home page. When on the front-page, tapping the circled button doesn’t perform any action. Tapping it while looking at this post at least takes me to the front-page.
Edit: Updated the post title to reflect that this is still behaving as described in this comment in the latest version 1.0.200