Jack of All Trades Activated
You are now naturally skilled at all tasks but will never be considered a master in any discipline
Jack of All Trades Activated
You are now naturally skilled at all tasks but will never be considered a master in any discipline
I deleted my Facebook account years ago, probably right around 2016. I met a new girl last year and she wanted me to make a Facebook account so she could send me stuff. I relented and made a “new” account using the same email I used back in 2016. Low and behold, Facebook never deleted a fucking thing.
School Maintenance Director here. They do this shit all the time. I have to plan all of my maintenance and construction around the idea that, at some point, some little shit is going to rip a urinal or water fountain off the wall. It’s not even an if, but a when. Schools would be a great place to work if it wasn’t for all the kids and teachers.
I’m not a pilot or an expert by any means but I think I would have landed in water if possible. Maybe it wasn’t possible… Idk
Everything they have is overpriced anyway
They serve the same corporate masters
And it’s not like the traditional banking industry is energy efficient. I would argue that they use more power especially if you consider the lifestyle of banking executives.
Someone hasn’t read their Bible
THe PaThOGeNs aRe gOoD fOr yOU!!!
Not voting is the same thing as voting for a Republican. The odds are already stacked against any progressive candidate because conservatives are more willing to open their wallets to corporate donors. Non-voters are traitors just the same. They failed to accept their civic duty.
Half the country not showing up to the polls didn’t help
We probably didn’t need the lockdowns because COVID spread regardless :(
Gee I wonder why that happened. Couldn’t have been this
He didn’t even take orders or anything. They closed the restaurant for him.
I would recommend just picking up the phone and calling hospitals. I feel like they would be more helpful in pointing you to a specific physician than the Internet.
I recently went in because I had a thunderclap headache, thought it was about to die from a brain aneurysm. No insurance. They did 1 CT scan and billed me for a Head CT, Neck CT and a Cervical Spine CT, each costing over $3K. After months of calling their billing department I ended up having to setup a payment plan before they sent it to collections. Not a single person in the billing department, up to and including the head of billing, could tell me the difference between a neck CT and a cervical spine CT. Still on the hook for over $11K. Probably going to have to file for bankruptcy soon. My life is effectively over.
Maybe they should build a wall to keep the Americans out
People keep talking about fox news like that’s what the diehard rechugulacans are watching. They listened to their Cheeto dusted emperor and now they watch newsmax.
If a school or library receives e-rate funding then they are required by law to monitor students online activity and protect their privacy from 3rd parties. They also typically have security practices that must be in place for their insurance company. The school board and parents could whine and complain about student privacy all they want but the law and their pocketbooks will make these decisions for them
I hope by the time the next election comes around, assuming we will ever have another election, that we endorse a new party and completely abandon the democratic party in favor of something like a labor party. Maybe, just maybe, we have seen the Democrats vs. Republicans for the last time.
This country had different parties before, we can have different parties again.