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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Standard doses of each should be fine unless you have a known liver issue, or have decided to drink a litre of grapefruit juice today.

    The concern is normally due to enzyme inhibition increasing concentrations of either, but in a healthy person the chances of an interaction are minimal.

    As a seperate point benadryl is not the healthiest thing to help you sleep, personally I’m a fan of magnesium glycinate 300mg and L-Tryptophan 600mg; clean sleep that still works just as well after taking it for 6 years as it did the first month.

    Benedryl as an occasional sleep aid isn’t great, but regular use is correlated with an increased risk of dementia.

    Take a half dose of each if you’re still concerned.

  • Weirdly it was the lamb chops my primary school did, they came from the aluminum tray pre sliced to about 4-5mm, dripping in gravy and were beyond tender. I have no idea they did them but they had no right being as good as they were.

    Part of me fondly remembers turkey twizzlers, then another part of me remembers losing my first tooth to one and crunching it… I also imagine they’re revolting in a way that only a small child could enjoy.

    Oh also iced buns

  • “Fact” would imply that there’s a level of certainty about it, I would only argue it’s fact if it happens an overwhelming amount of the time, or is party policy, or is done by senior leadership.

    The question is what is meant by “a thought that doesn’t fit the narrative”?

    Please give some examples, because they could be talking about likeing pineapple on pizza, or they could be talking about ‘A womans place is in the home’; the latter would be something I’d expect a Nazi or a misogynist to say and agree with.

    Does purely saying that make you either? Perhaps not, but if someone has a history and pattern of making similar statements that when looked at could paint a picture that certainly looks like a Nazi or misogynist.

    Oh and toxic masculinity harms men, as much if not moreso than it harms women. It’s the part that tells people to man up when they are struggling as opposed to actually helping. It the thing that makes men who have experienced abuse or rape not speak up cause his ‘mates’ will take the piss, it’s a contributing factor in the amount of teenagers and young men who are suffering due to knife crime.

    The point being is it’s been twisted by the rights narative to say it’s attacking men, when in reality it’s a term given for harmful behavior and a harmful ideal to adhere to.

    The one point being when discussing toxic masculinity, it should be paired with discussions of positive masculinity.

    What hasn’t happened is a mens liberation movement where we move passed the whole, men are robots whose feelings extend to happy, horny and angry.

  • Unironically they’re basically already doing that by having ads longer than the skip button, as you trade off ignoring the ad for the full duration and paying attention when you’re intended video starts for paying attention waiting for the “Skip Ad” button.

    Even just that short 5 seconds is enough for an ad to get embedded in your brain with enough repeated exposure.

  • I’m gonna be frank with you friend, it sounds like you’re experiencing something close to a manic episode.

    When was the last time you ate/drank water and slept?

    Have you recently consumed any drugs/substances which may have brought on this feeling?

    How long have you been feeling like this?

    Do you have someone you can communicate the way you’re feeling to in person that can go with you to get checked out if needs be?

    Changes in the psyche such as feeling oneself is God or Jesus is normally a sign that you want to get something checked out, you’re probably right that if there is a God they would be incomprehensible/ineffable, which also means that you’re probably not God.

    Don’t worry this is almost certainly not your new permanent state; it’s likely that your neurochemistry has gone a little bit out of wack and you probably need some rest possibly to see a doctor as they can help work out what’s going on.

    The most useful phrase I have found for coping with any difficulties with how I’m feeling, both in terms of mood and when having a difficult time after taking a psychedelic is:

    “This too shall pass”, it’s a useful phrase for bringing you up when you feel down, and to keep your ego in check when you feel like your on top of the world.

  • Those are good photos for using a phone and binoculars !

    Does your partners camera have removable/interchangeable lenses?

    If you did buy a cheap DSLR/Mirrorless camera (personally I’d also recommend Canon, but that’s because it’s what I use), then look into geting a lens mount adaptor for any old film camera lenses you may have, or look for lenses at charity shops/eBay/flea markets.

    It’s a very cosy effective way to get into the hobby, it takes a little bit of practice for getting used to adjusting the settings/focus etc, but nothing too difficult. And old lenses can give some beautiful effects on the images; Japanese lenses are near identical, old soviet lenses give a beautiful patena.

    Another final point to consider is Mirrorless cameras are so much lighter than older DSLRs, to the extent that I carry my camera so much more after buying a Mirrorless than I ever did with a DSLR, OTOH if it’s just for setting up somewhere birdwatching, weight shouldn’t matter so much.

    You can also get lens mount adaptors to fit onto telescope/microscope eye pieces

  • What is your standard dose?

    And out of curiosity are you American?

    For some reason Americans seem to be way more adverse to having generic versions of medications, I don’t know if it’s to do with how the FDA does things, or to do with the amount of medication advertising there, but in the UK no-one typically cares if a medication is generic as long as delivery mechanism and dose are the same.

    So I’ll almost certainly get a different brand of sertraline each month, and a different brand of dexamphetamine. The only medication which is brand name that I get is Elvanse, but even then that’s produced by different manufacturers but branded all the same, just under licence from the patent owner.

    Tbh the hypothermia sounds like vasoconstriction and/or possibly low blood sugar.

    The vasoconstriction can be caused by the higher dose, especially if you consume caffeine.

    I had to quit coffee for 8 months due to the horrible vasoconstriction/chills I’d get with it, after those 8 months I eventually started drinking tea, without getting chills anywhere near as much, now when I do it’s an indicator that I need food, especially if my hands have a slight jitter.

    In all honestly higher doses of methylphenidate can leave you feeling somewhat depersonalised/disassociated, even changes in dose-timings can cause it, taking more smaller doses can also change the methylphenidate/blood concentration which you may be subconsciously picking up on…

    Other things that can throw blood concentrations off: Grapefruit (fruit or juice) Vitamin C Excessive coffee/soft drinks