Yeah actually, that’s genocide.
Yeah actually, that’s genocide.
I am by no means an expert, but I seem to remember that the reason lead-acid batteries are good for that particular job is that they can release a huge amount of stored energy in a very short time, which is what you want when you need to fire the ignition of a car. I think other battery types are much more limited in their maximum power output. I am absolutely not sure this is also true for this new type of battery, but it might be.
Oh my. If Canada were to join the European Union, as well, we would have to rename the currency to “Euro Dollars”, or “Eddies” for short.
At least the front didn’t fall off.
Only one barista has made an extra tall soy milk caramel latte the way I like it, and they are on my ship.
If you value your life, be somewhere else.
Wasn’t that more of a “make money fast” scheme though?
“but… it shouldn’t have affected ME, you know?”
I was referring specifically to your two party system and the errant belief that one of them is somehow “left” when it is a group of turbo capitalist corpo swine lobbyists which are only the better choice because they are not straight up fascist kleptocrats.
I think those Teslas spontaneously incinerated themselves out of embarassment.
Oh, we can all egg you.
You do not have any “left” to speak of. You only have fascists and neoliberals.
“Your passion and dedication to the game and its community have meant the world to us, and we are committed to providing visibility and updates throughout the transition process.”
Lol… what a lot of crap.
At work, I keep thinking of myself as 1, but I’m really at an 8 half the time.
The news tomorrow:
Trump levies devastating 100% tarrifs on imports of consumer electronics and cars from Russia.
Canadian Metal? Oh no! What will Annihilator, Voivod and Anvil do now?
America, Land of the Free
…money for billionaires.
My god, what’s next, the most triumphant return of Geocities, replete with blinking text, construction signs and visitor counter?
Well, if Canada can take part in the Eurovision song contest, they might as well join the EU.