When you state wild shit. Less wild shit seems less wild.
When you state wild shit. Less wild shit seems less wild.
You guys are gonna have so much fun
Don’t worry. WW3 will be the world against the US within the next decade.
I have been trying to get my own mastodon instance up and running behind traefik this weekend
I maneged to get it up and running yesterday, but I get some permission errors when trying to upload like a profile image etc.
I found a few issues that sort of mentioned permission errors, but they suggested running chown in the container, which is not possible, and running chown on the linked volume, which looks like an empty folder, and it didn’t solve the issue.
Hoping to fix it when I get back home later.
It’s nice to have something to fiddle with as the world is falling apart around you.
Windmills != oil
It’s those pesky mormon Militias again isn’t it
“insults of the crown” is still one of the heavyweight punishments in many royal serfdoms in Europe.
But yes.
One of these days, either by force or by acknowledgement, human kind will learn we can’t fully grasp the interconnectedness and depth of complexity of nature.
These grand plan schemes is like a banging rocks together to make fire
Anonymous basically became a US intelligence front around the Arab Spring.
Well. Isn’t ddg just a Bing API?
“Roman numerals to be phased out”
… Damn gen WW1
Yeah. Gaslighting and threatening concerned citizens protesting a live streamed genocide is totally acceptable
Weak men make men hard!
Or something…
it was some years ago. But during an outage, one of their services turned out to be routing traffic through Israeli / Unit 8200 company servers.
My trust in proton evaporated back then.
SomeMoreNews often gets me
We didn’t get to see the rest of Europe in “children of men”, but I am guessing that is what’s coming
This can sound really crazy and radical.
But maybe making a video should not be a paid thing
Remember that US intelligence services speculated in using snipers to kill “Occupy Wall Street” protesters on university campuses.
FBI coordinated with banks and universities to get information on students.
For sure. But the rest of the world is still in WHO