Revisiting Supernatural, starting from S1E1. Never seen all of it, so I have a few hours ahead of me😅
Revisiting Supernatural, starting from S1E1. Never seen all of it, so I have a few hours ahead of me😅
I like that quote, but it fails to take into account the incentives for each group. The bears wants free and easy accessible foods, which means they will spend a great deal of effort to succeed. The humans are weighing “give a shit about environment” Vs “I don’t care enough to spend two seconds here”
Place a crisp 100 dollar bill inside the trash can and you would have a dramatically different outcome…
If you think we actually invest in infrastructure, you are sorely mistaken… I mean yes, we have a decent charging infrastructure. Driven by Tesla purchase and gas stations following through in order to retain EV customers. So some infrastructure is needed to support that.
But we don’t even have good enough infrastructure to distribute an abundance of hydro electricity from North to the South, while at the same time we export electricity down to central Europe from the South, so prices fluctuates a crap ton.
Don’t get me started on train lines being neglected for the past 50 years. And as most countries we are realising that all our sewage and water lines need a massive renewal…
Maybe we should use more of the oil fund for these tasks, but I believe there would be large inflations if we tossed the oil fund around to fix everything…
I used to “love” running in to McD when I was in a hurry and ask “what burgers do you have that are ready?” and just take whatever was available. More often than not, it was a cheese/double cheese.
Now I have to wait 5-10 minutes before its ready, and its more expensive.
The trade off of cheap and fast vs quality have disappeared.
Reading this thread is like a waterfall of ignorance and shitshow.
I’m no expert on animal husbandry, and in particular elephant sanctuaries, but I have recently been to one.
That being said, I’m sure there are elephant sanctuaries that treat their elephants bad, just as there are good ones. I can’t say which percentage of the sanctuaries are good/bad and I doubt any of the posters here can enlighten us on that.
What I can say is that these are NOT wild elephants. I was told there are roughly 12k wild elephants in Thailand.
These elephants are bought from farmers that are unable to sustain/feed the elephant from the work they are being used. Apparently it’s not uncommon to earn 500 Baht (ca 15 USD) a day as a farmer, and that is not enough to buy the 10% of body weight in food for the elephant. Elephants are often inhereted as they cost around 1 mill Baht (2,5 for baby).
So… Domesticated elephants can’t survive alone in the wild as they have been bred out some of the skills to manage on their own. So a mismanaged elephant is better off being sold off to a sanctuary that can care for it until it dies. Which is the purpose of sanctuaries - put an elephant out to pasture.
The sanctuary I visited only had female elephants and was but interested in breeding elephants - because they are not in it to add more domesticated elephants, but rescue elephants that need help. I’m sure other sanctuaries manage male elephants, I can’t say how they deal with mating and pregnancies in regards to rescue other elephants in need Vs “free elephant” for tourist trap.
TL;DR Post in this thread acts like domesticated elephants are a wild animal like a boar. It’s more like a cow that weighs 4-6 tonnes. Death by cow occurs every year, you don’t go screaming about that when it happens between your bites of hamburger. It’s of course horrible for the family of the poor girl being killed. Hopefully humans and elephants will get the treatment they need and deserve.
That would be glorious! But I’m seriously scared for Ukraine and Europe while Amexit happens…!
A lot og questions can be answered diplomatically and show that you are able to handle yourself:
Q: do you like the colour red?
A1: I hate red
A2: I don’t like red
A3: Not my favourite colour
A4: I prefer blue
In this entirely made up and pointless exercise you hate red and are asked if you like it. Real world applications converging on zero.
On a scale of lie to truth, where are you comfortable with representing your thoughts of red in an interview?
And remember, only Sith deals in absolutes🙃
*Edited layout
The beatings will continue until moral improves.
I think it’s important that not only are charges dropped, but she should get some push back or fine for wrongfully charges ( I’m assuming it is illegal to claim someone assaulted you when it’s obvious they did not - and I’m not a lawyer or American, so I’m sure there’s a better name for it…)
*Edited a word from autocorrect
They are angry at Ukrainians? Shiiiiit…
I was rocking Geeforce 2 and Soundblaster AWE 32. Good times😄
The new banana republic: the Divided States of Banana - buy your votes here!
So you think the government in the United States of America is so afraid of its constituents that they are not raising the taxes.
What about all the other countries in the world that have less or similar taxes like the states but no 2. amendment? Are they completely reliant on sending strongly worded letters to the newspapers? Or do you think in a functional democracy there might be other ways for constituents to wield power?
Someone should mention jan 6 to him…
Do you think you have less taxation because of your 2. amendment?
The correct response is “suck it and see”
Wtf? You think a rusty icepick is a valid response if someone calls you by wrong name and gender? Y’all need Jesus or some shit like that. Damn…
Det er bedre å stole på tissen enn å tisse på stolen!
Pantone of racism