Who could say, he just came out of the blue after all
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It’s not magic, it’s fire bending.
Eyyyy found the Death Cab for Cutie fan!
Its all in the toothpick
Dont forget there is a 3rd in the series now called Imposter Factory which was good too!
To the moon had the best story and made me very emotional, the other two don’t his quite so hard but still left an impact. I’d highly recommend the series if you like that kind of story.
Its been over 10 years for me since something extremely similar happened. I’ve never really gotten over it. I want to be in a relationship and connect with someone again but I find it impossible to keep anyones interest of people on online sites and while I have been on a few dates over the years they haven’t gone past more than a few dates before fizzing out due to anxiety and trust issues on my part.
I feel throughly scarred by my ex’s actions, they have faded over the years but my trust has never really returned.
I’ve tried therapy and it helped briefly but has never had a lasting effect and I’ve ended up in a cycle every few years of retrying to meet people then backing out before anything lasting can continue as in my head it will just end up in me being hurt again.
I’m desperately lonely and have fallen into a prolonged sadness that almost never leaves, not really sure where i was going with this, I hope the same doesn’t happen with you.
This looks something like the colour out of space
I think the film you are thinking of with the dolls is Barbarella (1968).
I was telling people at work about this film a few days ago!
I watched it for the first time a few years ago and it has started to become a Christmas tradition for me.
It’s all in the crown