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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2024


  • Oh not as long as original Dwarf Fortress, that’s for sure!

    I had a friend who has some experience explain how to navigate the interface, and generally what each resource does, and after an hour or two of fussing about I got used to it. Some times I will misclick, because right click is sometimes “go back” and sometimes “show more detail” but aside from that its easy enough.

    The core mechanics are very easy. Conquer provinces to increase your domain, build stacks of units to fight battle and test different strategies for what works against what.

    I can go into more detail if you like?

  • I’m getting into the Dominions series, recently picked up Dominions 6. You take control of a faction and try to spread your pretender gods influence enough to ascend to be the one true god. Combat is auto resolved but you can watch the combats and the mechanics are very detailed. I made a god that was a sentient glyph that bestowed fire resistance and flaming weapons on my faction of desert dwelling spider riders. Another time I was a sentient fountain of blood with innate abilities to raise an army of mindless skeletons so I could stack troops in masse.

    Its a little clunky in the interface but once I learned what did what it because very engrossing

  • Ive just started in a government IT role; everything is windows, I use windows myself at home for games, but run WSL for hobby dev, home server management and stuff like that.

    This is my first sysadmin role, having come from a Dev background, and administration on windows feels like such a chore. Everything takes ten steps to do, lots of issues, and feels very counter intuitive. I am not enjoying it at all. I suppose actual large scale Linux adminning probably has the same issues and I’m putting it down to lack of experience, but there’s so many small niggly issues that I know I could solve if this was a Linux environment that I can’t due to how windows is set up.

    I’m hopefully getting to move into a more hybrid dev/admin role for some web stuff, but I firs thave to convince my boss to let me install WSL so O can have a sane dev environment for web dev.